Anonymous3: incense is oils boiled in to stick sooo.... they reboiled them in to oil and threw out sticks <,< or did something else inwitch they would smell bad but thats for another pic ^_^
Anonymous5: I just made this up, so tell me what you tink:
"The thief Lilly (the Lopunny) had just found a Luck Incence. She dicided to use it on her next robbery, but for a different use other than money. 2 Furret policemen caught her after she had taken the money. She used the Incence to oil her body. When the Furrets saw her, they instantly got hard and started to fuck her."
Anonymous8(7): ^ yes, but a Pokémon doesn't use Cute Charm, Cute Charm takes effect during a physical attack.
ex. "Wild Pokémon uses Rape. Lopunny's Cute Charm infatuated the opponent.
Anonymous11: I think the story behind this one is located at yiffstar under the author Sheer, he/she has some similar stuff, most if is male on male, unfortunately.
Anonymous12: There's so much to fiddle and touch there...
BUT THE FURRETS ARE BUSY FONDLING EACH OTHER. Seriously. Look at Lopunny. She's merely a placeholder. The holed wall of a glory hole. Even a dancing pole gets more action than that.
- Reply
"The thief Lilly (the Lopunny) had just found a Luck Incence. She dicided to use it on her next robbery, but for a different use other than money. 2 Furret policemen caught her after she had taken the money. She used the Incence to oil her body. When the Furrets saw her, they instantly got hard and started to fuck her."
It's not that good.
I know, I know. No one wants the same EXACT post twice, but still. Not original for most of us here.
ex. "Wild Pokémon uses Rape. Lopunny's Cute Charm infatuated the opponent.
did the furret brothers get a iopunny whore or did the iopunny whore oil her and get the attention of the furret bros
BUT THE FURRETS ARE BUSY FONDLING EACH OTHER. Seriously. Look at Lopunny. She's merely a placeholder. The holed wall of a glory hole. Even a dancing pole gets more action than that.