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Anonymous1: good job looks realistic
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Anonymous2: Pretty sure Anakin would not have a winky after being bathed in lava.
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Necal: Darth Vader never was completly in lava; he just got lit on fire from it.
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Anonymous3: winky what are you 5 years old come on penis,cock,dick anything if your gonna look at grown up stuff talk like one numb nuts
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Anonymous4: I'm pretty sure anon3 is 5 years old.

No one cares what terminology you use unless you're a faggot or trying to be Older than you are.
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Anonymous5: He is more machine than man now, twisted and evil.
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Anonymous6: So, THAT's how Shaak Ti survived Order 66!
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Anonymous7: no thats ahsoka 10 years later
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Anonymous8: Anybody know the Artist/s by chance?

If he/she/they do commissions?

I'd pay for that kind of quality/win.
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Anonymous9(8): Holy Shit! Artist?
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Anonymous10(8): ^DarthHell over at
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Anonymous11: Shaak ti: Is that a lightsaber...or are you just happy to see me?
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Anonymous12: looks like a wild animal caught in headlights
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Anonymous13: In the words of Frankie Boyle:

VADER! You look like a big black dildo!!
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Anonymous14: I think Ano4 is right.
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Anonymous15: Explains why Vader sent Starkiller to off her. She gave him robot-space-herpes.

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