Anonymous5: - Lois): This romance novel is getting really kinky. Now she's stranded on an island with her big pet dog & they end up having sex together to pass the time till rescue."
- "Can you imagine that? A women having sex with a pooch?"
- Peter): [nervously] "Well honey, it might be nice to have ah, stunt double, stand in, when your partner is too drunk to get it up. Hee hee!"
- Brian): "Can I sleep between you two tonight instead of the foot of the bed? I'm having some real bad abandonment issues that may cause me yelping & keep you two from sound sleep."
- Lois): "Well OK, just this once. Don't think this is the regular sleeping routine... No wait, why are you getting under the covers?"
- Brian): "Well, I,,, ahum got the chills too!"
- Lois): "OK, fine, now go to sleep!"
[5 minutes later]
- Brian): Lois, I'm still cold. Can I snuggle up to you for body warmth? I'm still got the shivers!"
- Lois): [rolling to her side] "Well shure, spoon up to my back."
- Brian): That won't work, remember I've got abandonment issues. We have to be face to face."
- Lois): [rolling over] ok? Now go to sleep!"
- Brian): "Just one more thing, I promise... Would you put your arms around me & hug me tight till I nod off."
- Lois): "Christ all mighty, your as bad as Peter, [nighty pops open, pushing her soft breasts into his furry chest] ooh, that feels nice!".....
that's the size her boobs are in the show
- "Can you imagine that? A women having sex with a pooch?"
- Peter): [nervously] "Well honey, it might be nice to have ah, stunt double, stand in, when your partner is too drunk to get it up. Hee hee!"
- Brian): "Can I sleep between you two tonight instead of the foot of the bed? I'm having some real bad abandonment issues that may cause me yelping & keep you two from sound sleep."
- Lois): "Well OK, just this once. Don't think this is the regular sleeping routine... No wait, why are you getting under the covers?"
- Brian): "Well, I,,, ahum got the chills too!"
- Lois): "OK, fine, now go to sleep!"
[5 minutes later]
- Brian): Lois, I'm still cold. Can I snuggle up to you for body warmth? I'm still got the shivers!"
- Lois): [rolling to her side] "Well shure, spoon up to my back."
- Brian): That won't work, remember I've got abandonment issues. We have to be face to face."
- Lois): [rolling over] ok? Now go to sleep!"
- Brian): "Just one more thing, I promise... Would you put your arms around me & hug me tight till I nod off."
- Lois): "Christ all mighty, your as bad as Peter, [nighty pops open, pushing her soft breasts into his furry chest] ooh, that feels nice!".....