kamon: God damn internet. I always think I'll never be stunned again and then-BAM! This kind of shit shows up and my brain is melting out my ears. Also, I came.
AnOniMouse: I've seen the shitting dick nipples a whole year ago now and nothing, NOTHING has made me wretch like this has. And there is not even any vomit or excrement here!
Anonymous13: >Penis for feet
>Penis for head
>Penisshaft for torso
>Torso for Penisglans
>This torso having no head, but a pussy coming out of the penis' urethra
>Torsos' arms being penises
>Torsos' pair of boobs having dicknipples
>if I were to talk about the original head, I'd grow 7 more penises myself, I'm sure
Anonymous15: Has anyone thought to count the dicks in consideration with the majong tiles? each pic has a number of dicks that corresponds to the number of the tile.
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It's a bai man. Zawa zawa.
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any local care to explain to me what the fuck is going on here?
>Penis for head
>Penisshaft for torso
>Torso for Penisglans
>This torso having no head, but a pussy coming out of the penis' urethra
>Torsos' arms being penises
>Torsos' pair of boobs having dicknipples
>if I were to talk about the original head, I'd grow 7 more penises myself, I'm sure