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UploaderZeroXDash, avatar
TagsKaley_Cuoco, Penny, The_Big_Bang_Theory
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Info700x700 // 59KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: I thought this was fucking Astrid from the Dragon movie
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Anonymous2: she could be anyone U_U*
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Anonymous3: That's where I sit.U R touhc mi xbox count
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brothaman: needs a black dick up in it
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Anonymous5: "you're in my spot."
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Anonymous6: needs more tanned skin
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Anonymous7: I'm disappointed that there's only one pic for the Big Bang Theory. And that it's rubbish.
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Anonymous8: she is in sheldon's spot. Also, this pic sucks. More big bang porn plz
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HentaiGirl27: more BBT porn!
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MikeOShay: Huh. I was shocked to discover that Penny apparently doesn't have a last name.

Also, the show's called The Big Bang Theory, I'ma add a The to the tags.
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craggle: i actually feel we should adopt a standard of removing all extraneous the's, except when they distinguish between two similar tags... for example, "the batman" cartoon is different than "batman", but does it really help us to have a billion tags starting with "the"?

maybe code something that automagically removes "the" if people search for something and there's no entries.
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HbA: Wish there was more TBBT 34 :(
We need some of Leonard's mum ;)
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Anonymous9: HbA she would say that "Your lust for me signals a developmental fascination of the Oedipal flavor dealing with unhealthy growth patterns and boundaries between your parents and peers."
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Anonymous10: Sheldon Walks in

Sheldon:...You're in my spot.
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Anonymous11: lol @ xbox controller
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Anonymous12: Sheldon: Penny! Why are you naked in the my spot?
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lazarus: No, Sheldon walks in and turns 360 degrees and walks away.
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Anonymous13: 360 degrees? Seriously? I think you mean 180 degrees.
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lazarus: No, 360 degress towards his xbox. Then faps.
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anonslol: HALO NIGHT

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