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TagsBoom-Boom, Buttfish, Magma, Marvel, Shadowcat, X-Men, X-Men_Evolution, featured_image
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Info776x916 // 250KB // jpg
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Titanium: Oh god yes more more!
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mrbutt2: not the best thing I've done but I'm happy with it, and if you guys are happy with it too then NOTHING ELSE MATTERS
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craggle: very good.
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Titanium: I swear to god I'll e-kill you if you don't make more of these. <3 X-men Evolution.
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broman88: no love for WATXM?
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Cpt_Zapp_Brannigan: Titanium sucks, P
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Cpt_Zapp_Brannigan: Titanium sucks, Platinum is much better!
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Titanium: oh hi there ban evade much?
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mrbutt2: Rogue/Kitty is next once i recharge the BATTERY in my tablet.
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Anonymous2: Not sure what you mean by that...
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Titanium: Bullshit. I see you have 3 new usernames. Don't be an asshat and I won't ban you again.
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Anonymous3: Great job man. Hey, can the next one have some pussy in it?lol
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broman88: this is canon
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Moon-Sayun: Great pic mrbutt2.
Is that a "MAH BOI" magazine?
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Crapforbrainst: Fantastic. Not sure why this was rated -1 when I got here, but at least now it's back to 0 for the time being.
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Anonymous4: This is why you don't walk through walls.
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spleen42: I like that boom boom pow...
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Titanium: Crapforbrainst - I have an idea...
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ANnONYingMOUSe: nothing on this site is canon... hence thats why we have to draw everything. -_-
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Anonymous5: Why does kitty have a MAI BOI magazine?
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Anonymous6: This is why you DO walk through walls, so you can see hot lesbian sex
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Anonymous7: Fuck YEAH!!

OTP 4ever.
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Titanium: I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the site to the up-and-coming artist mrbutt2.

Check out his other arts:

I personally love his work, though I am an admitted X-Men Evolution fag. Nevertheless, he deserves the recognition of a FEATURE.
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Franky_Whiskey: I just hope the blonde chick isn't into fisting,lol
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warrior: OOO! Make a Deadpool x Domino pic in this style! I always wondered what they'd look like if they where on X-Men Evo!
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Anonymous8: Damn, when i saw the metallica i thought this would be 63 of James and Rob.
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Anonymous9: i declare win :P metallica in porn :P best day ever
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Anon44: welcome to the site, mrbutt. I'd love to see your take on the armored adventures girls if it interests you, heh
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mrbutt2: someone shoop a funny James Hetfield face over kitty

im lazy
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Anon322: nice pic
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jackrabbit: Amara shouldn't have tan lines, or at least not that much contrast. She's Latin, her skin is that dark all the time. Darker, in fact, if you look at a reference pic from the show.
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Anonymous10: Nothing else matters but this pic and that's sad but true
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Anonymous11: Huh... odd that I just finally found this pic about three days ago while looking up Tabitha pictures. I'm intrigued that it was featured so soon.
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duckpenisexpert: Mrbutt2, we love you. ^^
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thishurtsyousheperd: Check out the James Hetfield and Rob Trujillo shoop i made at >>455912
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iKami: Absolutely love it--the fingers in the hair is an awesome touch and really hard to pull off. I salute you!
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ChrisHansen: another feature that doesn't burn your eyes
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HAMBURGERS: The wall have eyes.
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evilpika: The walls should strip and join in.
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korblborp: that would be too d&d...
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Weapon_R: oh... my... fucking.... god... metallica =D!!
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Anonymous12: yeah, sad to say, but metallica made this picture awesome for me :D
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Ouch: LOL for Mah Boi Magazine. I know some of them can go through walls but how can their clothes and mags go through walls??
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jackrabbit: So you are saying that it is plausible for human bodies to go through walls and not plausible for clothes and magazines to go through walls? Which laws of physics are you referencing here?

All super hero stuff has to be taken with a grain of salt.
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Loligagger: More like a drop of acid, it's all magic, and magic pretending to be science, aka SCIENCE!

also, it's all detracting from the hotness that is Boom Boom and Amara's fuck buddying.
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Anonymous13: Really not bad.
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Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: @ jackrabbit: Some latinos are light-skinned (or white)... I'm an example of this (I'm Puerto Rican, and I look almost white...)
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jackrabbit: I wasn't talking about latinos in general. I've been on sex vacations in Venezuela where most of the girls were not dark at all.

I was talking about a particular latina. Watch the show. Amara is far darker than anyone other than Storm.
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Gallows187: Shouldn't they all be holding out their driver's licenses clearly showing them to be over eighteen in this shot?
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Crapforbrainst: @Jackrabbit: Aren't you the one who commissioned pics of these girls as 10-year olds and/or hermaphrodites? You of all people should chill out about slight inaccuracies and just enjoy it.
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RainRain: Doesn't Kitty ever knock? This seems to be a common theme with her.
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mrbutt2: @Gallows187, my intent in all these pics was to draw older teens, above the age of consent, and only then because making them college-aged would be a bit too far away from the show.

there could be a huge debate about how old/how wrong it is but im just trying to make goofy pics and definitely not trying to condone child or youth predation. i don't roll that way AT ALL.

unless that was a getting carded joke in which case disregard the above i suck cocks.

this gay post brought to you by bro inc.
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Anonymous14: If I see that fucking shadowcat one more time...
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Anonymous15: I really do hope this series ends with Kitty getting caught masturbating.
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Anonymous16: Yes wack.
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Anonymous17(16): Three way.
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Anonymous18(16): Spy Watch.
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Anonymous19: Hey guys, compare position of knee on bed to position of toes on pillow. Methinks something is odd there.
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Anonymous20: mrbutt's infatuation with metallica is annoying.
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Anonymous21: metallica sucks
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Weapon_R: anons 20 and 21 can eat a dick, this is awesome
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Anonymous22: "Amara, I'm done with your maga-- oh, nevermind."
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jackrabbit: @Crapforbrainst: there's a difference between making deliberate alterations to a character and not being aware of how a character is supposed to be. If it was his intent to make Amara lighter than she is supposed to be, fine. He can make her turquoise if he wants.
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Crapforbrainst: Nah, you're right. Her skin tone is FAR too light here, and I, for one, am now incapable of jerking my well-traveled and sophisticated cock to it. What ever happened to integrity, mrbutt2?
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EdwardV: @ Anon 21: Obvious troll is obvious
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jackrabbit: Who said anything about whether it was fappable or not? People fap to Zimmie all the time, when his pics have absolutely no relation to the characters they are claimed to be.

If all you care about is fapping, why bother with 34 material at all? Why does it need to be a known character? Plenty of nameless bimbos out there in the pornland known as the internet. Fire away.
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mrbutt2: Boomer makes her get a reverse spray tan because she's got a tanline fetish.

this was mentioned in issue 34.7 of Bodacious X-Dudes, a comic that exists inside my head.
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Anonymous23: Do you have a website or anything like that mrbutt2?
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mrbutt2: nerp, just this for now
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kyle724: Wall-Kat is watching you lez out.
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Takima: Hey, sorry I forgot to return your magazine to y---!!!
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Anonymous24: MAH BOI
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tyciol: This is quality
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Anonymous25: and the award for the most comments goes to...
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Primary: METALLICA!!!!
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Anonymous26: Fuck yeah, Metallica
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Anonymous27: Why would hot young teenage girls be listening to Metallica anyway? That's the kind of music that your skeevy burnout step-dad listens to when he's drunk and masturbating to the NFL.
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Anonymous28: _/\/\ETALLICA/-\_ lml-(>.<)-lml
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SlippyTheToad: Titties pokin' out the top? Pure perfection.
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Sandra_Sff: I really like your work.

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