Anonymous3(2): WHAT!!!He is not awesome,He is a Idiot and Im not a GoemonXOmitsu Fan Because Im Hate This Couple.Do You Know.Im Hate Male Characters Because Im Love Female Characters.In The Anime Goemon get a kiss of another girl(im foget her name) and Omitsu Get Jealous>_<.
Anonymous6: Do You Think.Omitsu is a Preteen or a Children
Im Hate Her Voice of the Japanese Version of Ganbare Goemon Anime She Sounds too Child and Im Also Hate Her Voice In The English Dub of The Anime She Sounds Like a Bitch.Because Her Voice of Ganbare Goemon OVA is Better Because She Sounds Like a Little Girl
Anonymous7: SaucyMacaroniCheese What The Voice of Omitsu You Like Better
for English Dub of The Anime:Kira Vincent-Davis
for Original Japanese of The Anime:Sakura Tange
for OVA:Miki Itō
Anonymous8: Hey SaucyMacaroniCheese Im Wartch Part 1 of Ganbare Goemon OVA on YouTube and Im Love The Voice of Omitsu Because She Sounds Like a Little Girl
Jones: I realize that, I'm just wondering why they'd put in the pointless effort, as opposed to just leaving everything lowercase. My right pinky started to hurt from typing that sentence alone. EnglishFAILAnon either has over-developed pinkies, or hunts and pecks, which isn't nearly as funny as the thought of someone with colossal pinkies, but more likely.
Anonymous11: Yeah, the capitalizing-every-word thing has been bugging me too; I just can't figure out why someone would do it unless they're trolling, and yet this example, and many others I've run across, really doesn't have the feel of a troll. It annoys me a lot more than ALL CAPS does, or even StUdLyCaPs, because at least in the latter case it's pretty much guaranteed to be a troll and thus doesn't hurt my brain.
- Reply
Also, Goemon is fucking awesome, don't talk shit about him.
Im Hate Her Voice of the Japanese Version of Ganbare Goemon Anime She Sounds too Child and Im Also Hate Her Voice In The English Dub of The Anime She Sounds Like a Bitch.Because Her Voice of Ganbare Goemon OVA is Better Because She Sounds Like a Little Girl
for English Dub of The Anime:Kira Vincent-Davis
for Original Japanese of The Anime:Sakura Tange
for OVA:Miki Itō