Anonymous2: 0.o You must have a fiery temper Nintenwinx, I like your contributions of pictures on the forums but whats wrong? You seem to always get banned from all of them for quite honestly being a jerk and negative. Just saying.
Nintenwinx: Jealousy gets the best in all us. So does contributing then get kicked out for it, that's why I'm pissed off at every winx hentai. Is that you wkw? I didn't know assholes like you and anon2 visited here, get a clue bitches.
Anonymous3: Wow.. you ARE a jerk. If you don't like the winx hentai, make some yourself. And recoloring pictures in paint is NOT making your own hentai.
Anonymous5(2): Cause hes a pathetic 12 year old that obsesses and masturbates over sparkly non-existant fairy girls while shoving his wii-remote in and out of his stretched out ass and likes to act like the big internet tough guy. LOL, I just love reading his posts on all the forums and here. Then watch him get smacked down over and over. XD Hes a troll but gawd I love his style.
Anonymous6(2): Cause hes a pathetic 12 year old that obsesses and masturbates over sparkly non-existant fairy girls while shoving his wii-remote in and out of his stretched out ass and likes to act like the big internet tough guy. LOL, I just love reading his posts on all the forums and here. Then watch him get smacked down over and over. XD Hes a troll but gawd I love his style.
And why not post it at Hentaipalm? I want to know why you are freaking about over this
Ps: Why don't YOU make your own, once YOU make your own then we'll talk. L8tr, asshole.
I had to say it again XD