Anonymous1: Title: Marty & the lost traveler,
I landed on a island of Africa. I'm lost but, I still have my camp supplies, food, & 6 bottles of life saving water. I set up my tent & prepare to sleep. Marty says the smoke of the campfire so, he is investigating. Marty sees my tent & the campfire is not on fire no more. He hears my breathing of sleep & now he's investigating into my tent. Marty sees me sleep, he's blushing when he saw my cock like he wants to suck it & his zebra cock is growing. So, he starting to prepare to pound on me while I'm sleeping in my tent.
Marty the zebra: Well, you lost traveler, it looks like it is your lucky day with your Zebra Brother Marty. Me:(Marty has lightly sticking his cock into gently) Mmm? Ow! Ow, ow! Ow! Ow, what the?! Who is== Marty the zebra:(He grabs my face & our faces mush together while Marty's still pounding on me) Ohh-wee, boy! You are so the best human I starting to pounded into like you. Me:(Gasp) Marty? Marty the zebra? Marty the zebra: Yep, it is I. Me: What are you doing in Africa? Marty the zebra: Me & my friends are being zoo transferred. So we ended here on this island. So now, you're going to be with me for a week. Me: A week? While you keep pounding me everyday? Marty the zebra: Yes sir, mate. Oh, we're going to have a great & I mean a great weekend just you & me, my Big Brother. Me: Big Brother? Wait, wait, hold up. How old are you? Marty the zebra: Im'ma 10 years old. You are the only one I can see you as my human big brother. Me: Oh. Marty the zebra: Oh yep. (Panting) Oh yeah, come on, big brother. Take it all from your zebra little brother. Come on! Take it from your zebra little brother's cum, boy. Aah yeah. (Marty's voice fades & I starting have a frighten face & teeth chattering like Marty's zebra cock is with me forever)
To be continued.........
Anonymous2(1): Previously on Marty & the lost traveler,
I'm still teeth chattering while Marty's keep pounding me & mushing our cheeks together like we're brothers,
Marty the zebra:(He's still pounding on me with his zebra cock while I'm still teeth chattering) Oh, forget a weekend, your zebra little brother is going staying be staying with ya for a year, brother! (Laughing maniacally) My thoughts:(I'm still teeth chattering) Oh, why can't I just die already. I can't take any more of this zebra's pounding cock on me for a year. Ohh boy, this is going to be a== Me:(Marty pushes his cock harder into me & cum on me) Aahhhhhhh! Oh, damn it, youngest brother! Take an easy of that zebra cock of yours, please? Marty the zebra: Oh, no way, big brother! Your zebra little brother is enjoying this part with you, man. So, YOU should control of your screaming when I push my cock into ya, brother. Me: Well, it's hard when your cock is stuck inside of my ass & your cum is== (Marty groan hardly & I'm shuddering & teeth chattering) Marty the zebra: Is what now? You didn't finish. (Groan) Oh yeah. (He's cuddling my face while our faces are mushed together) Mmm, man. I always wanted a brother. (He pull out his cock out of me) (I sigh lightly) Goodnight, big brother. (Cuddling sigh). Me:(Sigh) Goodnight, my zebra little brother. (Both of us together, we're sleeping together) (9 in the morning)
To be continued..........
Anonymous3(1): Previously on Marty & the lost traveler,
At 9 in the morning, Marty woke up & use his cock into me as my waking alarm,
Marty the zebra:(Yawn) Wow. What a sleep we have together, huh, brother? (I'm still sleeping) Brother? Brother? Brother, wake up! (I'm still sleeping) Ok, then. Your zebra little brother's cock will maybe perhaps wake ya up. (5 minutes later to get Marty's cock to get bigger) Come on, my big brother, this is your last chance. Wake up! (I'm still sleeping) Ok, then. Here comes your big balloon animal coming inside of your ass. (Singing) Dadadada, dadada! Me:(Marty jams his cock harder into me) (Scream) AAHHHHHHHHHH! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow, ow! Ow, damn, Marty! Ow! What's the= Ow! The big idea?! Marty the zebra: Well, I try to wake you up, but you're all passed out on me & you can't hear a thing coming out of my mouth, brother. So, I jam my cock into your ass again so that way it should wake you up. Me:(Shuddering/teeth chattering) Well, ow! Ow, ow! Ok! Ok, ok, ok, my zebra little brother! Ow! I'm awake! I'm awake! You can stop pounding me now! Ow! (Teeth chattering) Ow! Ooh, I can feel your zebra cock in my stomach when you're pounding me. Marty the zebra: Ok. I'll stop now. (He pulls out his cock out of me) Me:(Shakily sighing) Oh, thank you, little brother. Now, we should move on to our next place to a new campsite. Marty the zebra: Ok, then. Let's get into business. (I pack all of my camp equipment in 4 minutes) Me: Ok. That's everything. Hey, Marty, can I ride on your back? Marty the zebra: Oh yeah, sure, my big brother. Hop on. Me:(I hop on my zebra little brother's back as my horse) (Sigh) Thank you, (I'm petting on my zebra little brother's head), my little brother. Now, into the forest. Marty the zebra: Aye aye, my big brother, sir! (He runs to the forest of Madagascar) Me: Stop! (We stop where near at the King Julien's squirrel kingdom) Ok, we should stop here to make the campsite again. Marty the zebra: You got it, big brother, sir. (I get off of Marty's zebra back) Me: Now, this would gives a 3 minutes for set up our camp again. (I made up the campsite again about 3 minutes) Marty the zebra: Now, you did a good job of making the campsite so perfect, big human brother. Me: Why, thank you, my little zebra brother. (Yawn) Oh, man. I'm tired for a nap. What about you, Marty? Want to take a nap with your human big brother? Marty the zebra: Yeah. (Yawn) I need a break from me running all away from the beach. Me: Then, come & get some cuddlings with your big brother. (He pounced on me on our tent) (Laughing) Whoa, hey! Take an easy, little brother. (Marty's cuddling me all over my face) Mmm, aww, shocks. I love you too, brother. Marty the zebra:(He's cuddling my face still) I love YOU, my big brother. (We hugged each other & sleeping together) (King Julien hear our cuddling noises)
Anonymous4(1): Previously on Marty & the lost traveler,
Before me & Marty are taking our nap, King Julien & his subjects quietly sees Marty's pounding on me & they wanted to bring me & Marty to his kingdom,
King Julien: Oh, boy, Maurice. Look at them, that human loves that zebra's cock's pounding onto him. Maurice: I don't know about this, Julien. Intruding them to a trap if they find out when they wake up. Are ya sure about this, Julien? King Julien:(He hits Maurice in the back head) Why, of course, Maurice! The both of them can teach all of us to pound each other! What could possibly go wrong? (At 7 in sunset, King Julien started to wake me & Marty up) Wake up, zebra. Wakey up, Mr. Zebra. Wake up, zebra! (Marty gasp) You suck your hoof? Marty the zebra:(Scream of a fright 2 times) (We're both surrounded by a lot of squirrels) (Gasps & teeth chattering) Uh, big brother? Me:(I'm talk sleeping) Yeah, sure, Marty. I'll share some of my food. Marty the zebra:(Still teeth chattering) My big brother!? Me:(Waking voice) Wha, what? Hello? What's going... (I'm looking at a big group of squirrels surrounded me & Marty) (Screaming) WHOA!!! SQUIRRELS, ALL AROUND US!! (Marty jumps into me & I'm holding him then we're teeth chattering & whimpering) W-w-w-where are we? Marty the zebra:(He's teeth chattering & whimpering) I-I-I-I don't know, big brother. I think that these squirrels are going to eat us. Because, we're their dinner. King Julien: Halt, my subjects. Let your king speak to them. (He & Maurice walking towards us while I'm still holding Marty) Maurice: No need to fear all of us, you youngsters. Me:(I'm still holding my little zebra brother & teeth chattering) W-w-w-who are you? And who's in charge here? Maurice: Well, presenting the royal highness of the squirrel group. King Julien. Marty the zebra:(Squirrel applausing & Julien appears himself to me & Marty) (I'm still holding Marty) He's got style. (Julien comes forward to the both of us) Me:(I'm still holding Marty) What is he like, the king of the guinea pigs? (Julien has arrived to me & Marty) Marty the zebra:(I'm still holding Marty) Uh, I think he's a squirrel. King Julien:(I put Marty down from me holding him) Welcome, giant beings, to our kingdom. Me: Yep. Definitely, a squirrel. Marty the zebra: Yeah, a squirrel. King Julien: It is I, King Julien who's come to ask you a one favor for me & my subjects. Me & Marty: What's that you asked the both of us, King Julien? King Julien: We all asked to you to teach me & my subjects to how to pound each other like your zebra friend has doing to you. Me: What? You been watching us doing that?! Maurice: Yes, he did & the rest of us seeing your zebra friend was pounding on you before we brought the both of you here. Marty the zebra: So, you want the both of us to teach all of you to pound for a day & you'll let us go? King Julien: Actually, after the both of you teaching all of us, the both of you boys are coming with us to a flight to Africa. Me: Ok. Well, my little zebra brother, what do you say? After this, want to go to Africa? Marty the zebra: Ok, my human big brother. I hope that there's more zebras at Africa. Me: Ok, King Julien, we'll teach all of ya. King Julien: Goody. You'll be teaching us on our plane. Up there on top of that big tree. Marty the zebra: But, how are we going to get up there? We can't climb. King Julien: Oh, don't worry. We have a sticked elevator behind the tree. Hey, human, you hop on your zebra because our elevator does not accepted 2 heavy creature. Only one. Me: Ok. Marty the zebra: Hop on, my big brother. (I hop on Marty's back) (Marty & I are on the elevator & we're going up to the plane) Ok, we're up here. King Julien: Come in, fellow visitors. (Marty & I enter the abandoned plane)
To be continued...........
Anonymous5(1): Previously on Marty & the lost traveler,
We get all of the squirrels to get ready to be teach for how to pounding each other but, then the ship & the penguins has arrived to the island. King Julien told me & Marty to stay on the plane & he'll check things out with the penguins. 24 minutes later, the penguins wanted to be teached how to pounding each other too. So the squirrels & the penguins are getting ready to be teached & it give Marty 3 minutes to make his cock bigger & I was undressed.
Me: Hello, there, squirrels & penguins. Pounding 101 is about to begin. Now, little fellas, see Marty's cock? He's going to jam his cock into my hole. Skipper: Uh, kid? Does this really hurts you? Me: Oh, hurt, schurt! I can handle the pain. Go ahead, brother. Jam your cock into me. (Marty jams his cock harder into me) Ohhh. Oh yeah. Thanks, brother. Marty the zebra: Sure, brother. Now, while my cock is sticking on my brother's hole, you're going to have to push in & pull out your cock. Like this. Me:(He's pounding on me to demonstrate) Oh yeah. Ooh, Nelly, brother. Now, that's feel so good for your big brother. Marty the zebra: Yeah, sure, it does, my big brother. Now, as you can see squirrels & penguins, the one last thing is this part is over is you push your cock harder as you can. Like this. Me:(Marty pushes his cock harder into me) Oooooooh! Just like that. (4 hours later, every squirrels & penguins are tired from being pounding) Ok, folks. That's how you do it. Let's call it a 2 days off & we should prepare to leave tomorrow. Skipper: This old plane won't help, but we can fix it. It'll take us 6 months. Marty the zebra: Oh. Ok, then. Me & my big brother well wait that long. Kowalski: Oh, you bet the both of ya will wait. (6 months later, the plane is put in a giant slingshot)
To be continued...........
Anonymous6(1): Previously on Marty & the lost traveler,
Me, Marty, King Julien, Maurice, & the penguins are preparing to get on the plane. The giant slingshot launched plane try to go non-stop all away to New York. 4 hours later, the plane was running out of gas & we're falling down to the surface. Marty, me, King Julien, Maurice, & the penguins all survived the crash & the penguins said that the plane will be fixed again until 6 to a year. So, me & Marty are trying to find a place to stay for a year while the penguins hired some monkeys to help fixing the plane. Lastly, the view that Marty & I see is that we're in a land fill with animals known as we're in Africa.
Anonymous8(1): Title: Marty & his human brother,
Me & Marty are in Africa. So, we go the King Zuba that we can stay for a year until our ride is going to be fixed for a year. King Zuba accepted & give the both of us a cave where we can sleep. Tomorrow, Marty & I get to meet the other animals, so we look around & we ended up meeting the new zebras in their gracing grounds.
Me: Hey, little zebra brother, theirs a group of zebras over there. Let's say, we can introduce ourselves? Marty the zebra: Sure, I don't see why not. Let's go. (We go to the group of zebras) Hey. Hey there, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Why, hi there, new zebra. Marty the zebra: Whoa! All of you sound just like me! Come on, brother. Zebra: Whoa, whoa, wait up! What is that creature with you, Marty? Marty the zebra: Oh, he's my a year older brother. He's a human, but until a year later, he'll return to his homeland. Zebra:(He's looking at me closely) Hmm. Alright, then. Welcome to the zebra group, young traveler. Me: Thank you. Zebra: So, Marty, what do you & the traveler do while you're traveling? Me: Well, we first met since I was in a island of Madagascar then, Marty came to me & I was first pounded by him while I leaning down & sleeping inside of my tent. Zebra: Ohh, pounding? You mean like this? (He's jams his cock into a zebra) Me: Yes. Just like that & we're=== (Marty & I look around us & we seeing that all of the other zebras pounding their cocks at each other) Marty the zebra: It looks like a pounding party. Come on, big brother. Let your little zebra brother get to pounding on ya hole, ya big dawg. Me: Ohh. Then, give your big brother some of your pounding. I am ready, Marty. Do your thing. (Marty jams his cock into me harder) (Groan hardly) Oh yeah, Marty! Oh yeah, keep pounding my hole! Urgh! Zebra:(All of the zebras has stop pounding each other & look at me & Marty) Whoa! Hey, guys, look! The boy is getting pounded by Marty himself! Let come & watch him get more pounded by Marty! Surround them in a circle. Oh, this is the best show we're seeing here in our life. Me:(Marty's still pounding on me) Oh yeah, little brother! Urgh, yeah! Whoo! Whoa, the zebras are watching us. This is like we're in a zoo cage now. Urgh, ohh, yeah. That's good right there. Argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, oh yeah, little brother! Ohh, now you're getting there. (Marty pushes his cock harder into me) Oooooooooooh! (Sighing for 8 seconds) Oh yeah, Marty. You pushing your cock into me harder feel so good for your big brother, my little brother. Marty the zebra: Yep, and the part is we give the show of a whole group of zebras to watch the both of us. (He pull out his cock out of me) (I sigh) Zebra: Oh, wow. Oh, please. Let your friend here have a fun time with all of us zebras, Marty? Say tomorrow? Marty the zebra: Well, big brother? You want to spend some time with the other zebras tomorrow? So, they'll never stop until they get their cocks into you. Me: Alrighty, then, zebras. I'll be there tomorrow. Zebras:(In unison) Yay! We'll see you, young traveler. Tomorrow. Me: Ok. Now, Marty, give your big brother a ride to our a year cave. (Me & Marty are in our sleeping cave) (Before we go to sleep, I wanted to be pounded by Marty again now) Hey, Marty. Go ahead & pound your big brother. I wanted to be pounded now. Marty the zebra: Ok. Me:(He jams his cock into me harder) Ohhh, yeah, Marty. Like that, like that. Urgh, yeah. Keep pounding. (A lioness & her cub is looking at me & Marty. Then, the lioness cover her cub's eye because it's a inapprops part) Oh yeah, that's good. Oh yeah, right there. Urgh yeah, pound me there. Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. I can feel your cock in my stomach. I can feel it. Yeah, that's it. Oh yeah, it's a late night snack time for your big brother, my little brother. Marty the zebra: Oh, you wanted a late night snack, my big brother? Well, here it is. Me:(Marty pushes his cock into me harder) Urgggghhhh! (I'm sighing for 8 seconds) Ohh, now that's a late night snack for your big brother, Marty. Thanks. Marty the zebra: Sure, big brother. (Yawn) I'm getting tired. Me: Ok, then let's go to sleep. (We were about to go sleep, but then the lioness told her kid to ho back to sleep & this didn't happen) The Lioness thoughts: I've never seen a gay zebra loves to pound on a human.
To be continued............
Anonymous9(1): Previously on Marty & his human brother,
Tomorrow afternoon, I've come over with all 49 zebras & they set a rock for me to lean on,
Me: Hello, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Hello, there, human. You're just on time. Zebra: Today, is your lucky day for you to pounded by all of us 49 zebras. Me: Whoa. It really is my lucky day. All of you 49 zebras are pounding on me. Zebra: Ya see that cave with a rock? Me: Yeah. Zebra: Well, go there & give all of us a moment. Me: Ok. (I enter the cave & leaning on the rock & be ready for all of the 49 zebras cocks) (All 49 zebras stand on a line for their turns) Zebra: Hey, there, partner. Are you ready for to be pound by all of 49 zebras? Me: Yeah. Yes, I am. Go ahead & pound me one by one. (The zebra jams his cock into me harder) Ohhhhhhh, yeah. Now, today, my lucky day has begun. Ohhhhhh, wow, yeah. Dig it! Dig it! (1 to the 49th zebra) Ooh, yeah, last zebra. Keep pounding me harder, zebra. Oh yeah. Dig it! Dig it! Oh yeah, come on. Give me some dinner now! Zebra #49: Oh, you want dinner?! I'll give you this! Me:(Zebra #49 pushes his cock harder into me) Ooooooh yeah, zebra! Urgh! Urgh! Urgh, now that pushing your cock into me harder is dinner, zebra! Oh, wow! Thanks for dinner! Zebra #49: Sure thing, you big pounder human! (Zebra #49 pull out his cock out of me & I sigh) Argh, you are such a pound lover for us all 49 zebras. Me: I am damn sure I am, zebra! Zebra: Say, think you & your little zebra brother Marty can come tomorrow afternoon? Then, that way there's 50 zebras will be your another lucky day for all 50 zebras. Me: Ok. The both of us will be there. Later. Zebra: See ya tomorrow. (I went back to Marty's & at night, we're sleeping now)
To be continued............
Anonymous10(1): Previously on Marty & his human brother,
I told Marty that the both of us should come over afternoon to the zebras & that will be 50 zebras together to pound on me on a day. Marty accepts & we are going there now,
Marty the zebra:(I'm riding on Marty) Hello, other zebras. I'm here with my big brother here. And he is ready for all of us 50 zebras' cocks onto him. Zebra: Ohh, good. You, Marty, will go first then the rest of us 49 zebras will yo on him. Marty the zebra: Ok. Come on, big brother. Let the zebras prepare their cocks to get bigger & me too into that cave over there. Me: Ok. Then let us do. (3 minutes later) Zebra: Oh, us zebras decided one more thing. While some of us pounding you, we zebras are sucking your cock. Me: Ohh, catchy, I like it. Let's do. Ok, my little zebra brother, do it. Jam your cock. (Marty jams his cock into me harder) Ohhhhhhh yeah. Oh yeah. Now, pounding me & sucking my cock is so good & hot. Urgh, yeah, Marty, keep pounding your Big brother. And you, Zebra, ohh yeah, keep sucking my cock until I cum to your zebra mouth. Oh yeah, for the both of you zebras. You make your favorite human a pound & cock lover. Oh yeah, this is a temporary life. (Passed 1 to 50th zebra & Marty sucking my cock) Oooooh yeah, zebras. Urgh, keep it up! Oh wow, urgh! Your big brother is loving this pounding & cock sucking from the group of zebras. And he loves it. (I'm moaning loudly for 25 seconds) Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it! Oh yeah, last zebra, it's dinner time. Make your big brother some dinner from your cock. Zebra #50: Oh, I'll make you some dinner, alright! Like this! Me:(Zebra #50 pushes his cock into me harder) URGGGGHHHH, YEAH!!! (Groaning & I'm cumming inside of Marty's mouth & slurping on my cock as his straw to get all of the cum out of me) Oh, go ahead, Marty & slurp all of my cum! Marty the zebra:(He's slurping my cock as his straw) Mmm, your cum taste delicious like milk. Me: Thanks. (Zebra #50 pulls out his cock out of me) (Sigh) Oh, thank you, all zebras for making your big brother his lucky day. Marty the zebra & the other zebras:(In unison) Your welcome, big brother. Your cum taste like milk. Me: Why, thanks. It's been fun. Well, me & Marty have to go now. Come on, Marty, give your big brother a ride home. Bye, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Bye, big brother. (Marty & I are back to our cave to sleep)
To be continued...........
Anonymous12(1): Previously on Marty & his human brother,
A year later, the penguins got the plane fixed up again & me & Marty say our goodbye to the others while the both of us are in the plane,
Me & Marty the zebra: Bye, all other animals of this land. The animals: Bye to the both of you.
The penguins get the plane started & we're floating up then we're on our way home to New York. That toke the penguins to fly us to New York for 5 hours & we are there now. On landing on a landing pad & we get off the plane,
Me: Well, this is goodbye, Marty. Marty the zebra:(Sad sobbing) Oh man, do we have to separate to our own ways? Me: Yes, I have a life to headed to & you must go back to the Central Park zoo. But, don't worry, no matter where we go, we will always be brothers. (I wiped the tears out of Marty's eyes) Ok? Marty the zebra:(Sniffing sobbing) Mmm-hmm. (I give Marty a goodbye hug for 15 seconds) Goodbye, big brother. Me: Goodbye, little zebra brother. (We left each other to our own ways. Like, I started on a new life & Marty is back to the Central Park zoo)
I landed on a island of Africa. I'm lost but, I still have my camp supplies, food, & 6 bottles of life saving water. I set up my tent & prepare to sleep. Marty says the smoke of the campfire so, he is investigating. Marty sees my tent & the campfire is not on fire no more. He hears my breathing of sleep & now he's investigating into my tent. Marty sees me sleep, he's blushing when he saw my cock like he wants to suck it & his zebra cock is growing. So, he starting to prepare to pound on me while I'm sleeping in my tent.
Marty the zebra: Well, you lost traveler, it looks like it is your lucky day with your Zebra Brother Marty. Me:(Marty has lightly sticking his cock into gently) Mmm? Ow! Ow, ow! Ow! Ow, what the?! Who is== Marty the zebra:(He grabs my face & our faces mush together while Marty's still pounding on me) Ohh-wee, boy! You are so the best human I starting to pounded into like you. Me:(Gasp) Marty? Marty the zebra? Marty the zebra: Yep, it is I. Me: What are you doing in Africa? Marty the zebra: Me & my friends are being zoo transferred. So we ended here on this island. So now, you're going to be with me for a week. Me: A week? While you keep pounding me everyday? Marty the zebra: Yes sir, mate. Oh, we're going to have a great & I mean a great weekend just you & me, my Big Brother. Me: Big Brother? Wait, wait, hold up. How old are you? Marty the zebra: Im'ma 10 years old. You are the only one I can see you as my human big brother. Me: Oh. Marty the zebra: Oh yep. (Panting) Oh yeah, come on, big brother. Take it all from your zebra little brother. Come on! Take it from your zebra little brother's cum, boy. Aah yeah. (Marty's voice fades & I starting have a frighten face & teeth chattering like Marty's zebra cock is with me forever)
To be continued.........
I'm still teeth chattering while Marty's keep pounding me & mushing our cheeks together like we're brothers,
Marty the zebra:(He's still pounding on me with his zebra cock while I'm still teeth chattering) Oh, forget a weekend, your zebra little brother is going staying be staying with ya for a year, brother! (Laughing maniacally) My thoughts:(I'm still teeth chattering) Oh, why can't I just die already. I can't take any more of this zebra's pounding cock on me for a year. Ohh boy, this is going to be a== Me:(Marty pushes his cock harder into me & cum on me) Aahhhhhhh! Oh, damn it, youngest brother! Take an easy of that zebra cock of yours, please? Marty the zebra: Oh, no way, big brother! Your zebra little brother is enjoying this part with you, man. So, YOU should control of your screaming when I push my cock into ya, brother. Me: Well, it's hard when your cock is stuck inside of my ass & your cum is== (Marty groan hardly & I'm shuddering & teeth chattering) Marty the zebra: Is what now? You didn't finish. (Groan) Oh yeah. (He's cuddling my face while our faces are mushed together) Mmm, man. I always wanted a brother. (He pull out his cock out of me) (I sigh lightly) Goodnight, big brother. (Cuddling sigh). Me:(Sigh) Goodnight, my zebra little brother. (Both of us together, we're sleeping together) (9 in the morning)
To be continued..........
At 9 in the morning, Marty woke up & use his cock into me as my waking alarm,
Marty the zebra:(Yawn) Wow. What a sleep we have together, huh, brother? (I'm still sleeping) Brother? Brother? Brother, wake up! (I'm still sleeping) Ok, then. Your zebra little brother's cock will maybe perhaps wake ya up. (5 minutes later to get Marty's cock to get bigger) Come on, my big brother, this is your last chance. Wake up! (I'm still sleeping) Ok, then. Here comes your big balloon animal coming inside of your ass. (Singing) Dadadada, dadada! Me:(Marty jams his cock harder into me) (Scream) AAHHHHHHHHHH! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow, ow! Ow, damn, Marty! Ow! What's the= Ow! The big idea?! Marty the zebra: Well, I try to wake you up, but you're all passed out on me & you can't hear a thing coming out of my mouth, brother. So, I jam my cock into your ass again so that way it should wake you up. Me:(Shuddering/teeth chattering) Well, ow! Ow, ow! Ok! Ok, ok, ok, my zebra little brother! Ow! I'm awake! I'm awake! You can stop pounding me now! Ow! (Teeth chattering) Ow! Ooh, I can feel your zebra cock in my stomach when you're pounding me. Marty the zebra: Ok. I'll stop now. (He pulls out his cock out of me) Me:(Shakily sighing) Oh, thank you, little brother. Now, we should move on to our next place to a new campsite. Marty the zebra: Ok, then. Let's get into business. (I pack all of my camp equipment in 4 minutes) Me: Ok. That's everything. Hey, Marty, can I ride on your back? Marty the zebra: Oh yeah, sure, my big brother. Hop on. Me:(I hop on my zebra little brother's back as my horse) (Sigh) Thank you, (I'm petting on my zebra little brother's head), my little brother. Now, into the forest. Marty the zebra: Aye aye, my big brother, sir! (He runs to the forest of Madagascar) Me: Stop! (We stop where near at the King Julien's squirrel kingdom) Ok, we should stop here to make the campsite again. Marty the zebra: You got it, big brother, sir. (I get off of Marty's zebra back) Me: Now, this would gives a 3 minutes for set up our camp again. (I made up the campsite again about 3 minutes) Marty the zebra: Now, you did a good job of making the campsite so perfect, big human brother. Me: Why, thank you, my little zebra brother. (Yawn) Oh, man. I'm tired for a nap. What about you, Marty? Want to take a nap with your human big brother? Marty the zebra: Yeah. (Yawn) I need a break from me running all away from the beach. Me: Then, come & get some cuddlings with your big brother. (He pounced on me on our tent) (Laughing) Whoa, hey! Take an easy, little brother. (Marty's cuddling me all over my face) Mmm, aww, shocks. I love you too, brother. Marty the zebra:(He's cuddling my face still) I love YOU, my big brother. (We hugged each other & sleeping together) (King Julien hear our cuddling noises)
Before me & Marty are taking our nap, King Julien & his subjects quietly sees Marty's pounding on me & they wanted to bring me & Marty to his kingdom,
King Julien: Oh, boy, Maurice. Look at them, that human loves that zebra's cock's pounding onto him. Maurice: I don't know about this, Julien. Intruding them to a trap if they find out when they wake up. Are ya sure about this, Julien? King Julien:(He hits Maurice in the back head) Why, of course, Maurice! The both of them can teach all of us to pound each other! What could possibly go wrong? (At 7 in sunset, King Julien started to wake me & Marty up) Wake up, zebra. Wakey up, Mr. Zebra. Wake up, zebra! (Marty gasp) You suck your hoof? Marty the zebra:(Scream of a fright 2 times) (We're both surrounded by a lot of squirrels) (Gasps & teeth chattering) Uh, big brother? Me:(I'm talk sleeping) Yeah, sure, Marty. I'll share some of my food. Marty the zebra:(Still teeth chattering) My big brother!? Me:(Waking voice) Wha, what? Hello? What's going... (I'm looking at a big group of squirrels surrounded me & Marty) (Screaming) WHOA!!! SQUIRRELS, ALL AROUND US!! (Marty jumps into me & I'm holding him then we're teeth chattering & whimpering) W-w-w-where are we? Marty the zebra:(He's teeth chattering & whimpering) I-I-I-I don't know, big brother. I think that these squirrels are going to eat us. Because, we're their dinner. King Julien: Halt, my subjects. Let your king speak to them. (He & Maurice walking towards us while I'm still holding Marty) Maurice: No need to fear all of us, you youngsters. Me:(I'm still holding my little zebra brother & teeth chattering) W-w-w-who are you? And who's in charge here? Maurice: Well, presenting the royal highness of the squirrel group. King Julien. Marty the zebra:(Squirrel applausing & Julien appears himself to me & Marty) (I'm still holding Marty) He's got style. (Julien comes forward to the both of us) Me:(I'm still holding Marty) What is he like, the king of the guinea pigs? (Julien has arrived to me & Marty) Marty the zebra:(I'm still holding Marty) Uh, I think he's a squirrel. King Julien:(I put Marty down from me holding him) Welcome, giant beings, to our kingdom. Me: Yep. Definitely, a squirrel. Marty the zebra: Yeah, a squirrel. King Julien: It is I, King Julien who's come to ask you a one favor for me & my subjects. Me & Marty: What's that you asked the both of us, King Julien? King Julien: We all asked to you to teach me & my subjects to how to pound each other like your zebra friend has doing to you. Me: What? You been watching us doing that?! Maurice: Yes, he did & the rest of us seeing your zebra friend was pounding on you before we brought the both of you here. Marty the zebra: So, you want the both of us to teach all of you to pound for a day & you'll let us go? King Julien: Actually, after the both of you teaching all of us, the both of you boys are coming with us to a flight to Africa. Me: Ok. Well, my little zebra brother, what do you say? After this, want to go to Africa? Marty the zebra: Ok, my human big brother. I hope that there's more zebras at Africa. Me: Ok, King Julien, we'll teach all of ya. King Julien: Goody. You'll be teaching us on our plane. Up there on top of that big tree. Marty the zebra: But, how are we going to get up there? We can't climb. King Julien: Oh, don't worry. We have a sticked elevator behind the tree. Hey, human, you hop on your zebra because our elevator does not accepted 2 heavy creature. Only one. Me: Ok. Marty the zebra: Hop on, my big brother. (I hop on Marty's back) (Marty & I are on the elevator & we're going up to the plane) Ok, we're up here. King Julien: Come in, fellow visitors. (Marty & I enter the abandoned plane)
To be continued...........
We get all of the squirrels to get ready to be teach for how to pounding each other but, then the ship & the penguins has arrived to the island. King Julien told me & Marty to stay on the plane & he'll check things out with the penguins. 24 minutes later, the penguins wanted to be teached how to pounding each other too. So the squirrels & the penguins are getting ready to be teached & it give Marty 3 minutes to make his cock bigger & I was undressed.
Me: Hello, there, squirrels & penguins. Pounding 101 is about to begin. Now, little fellas, see Marty's cock? He's going to jam his cock into my hole. Skipper: Uh, kid? Does this really hurts you? Me: Oh, hurt, schurt! I can handle the pain. Go ahead, brother. Jam your cock into me. (Marty jams his cock harder into me) Ohhh. Oh yeah. Thanks, brother. Marty the zebra: Sure, brother. Now, while my cock is sticking on my brother's hole, you're going to have to push in & pull out your cock. Like this. Me:(He's pounding on me to demonstrate) Oh yeah. Ooh, Nelly, brother. Now, that's feel so good for your big brother. Marty the zebra: Yeah, sure, it does, my big brother. Now, as you can see squirrels & penguins, the one last thing is this part is over is you push your cock harder as you can. Like this. Me:(Marty pushes his cock harder into me) Oooooooh! Just like that. (4 hours later, every squirrels & penguins are tired from being pounding) Ok, folks. That's how you do it. Let's call it a 2 days off & we should prepare to leave tomorrow. Skipper: This old plane won't help, but we can fix it. It'll take us 6 months. Marty the zebra: Oh. Ok, then. Me & my big brother well wait that long. Kowalski: Oh, you bet the both of ya will wait. (6 months later, the plane is put in a giant slingshot)
To be continued...........
Me, Marty, King Julien, Maurice, & the penguins are preparing to get on the plane. The giant slingshot launched plane try to go non-stop all away to New York. 4 hours later, the plane was running out of gas & we're falling down to the surface. Marty, me, King Julien, Maurice, & the penguins all survived the crash & the penguins said that the plane will be fixed again until 6 to a year. So, me & Marty are trying to find a place to stay for a year while the penguins hired some monkeys to help fixing the plane. Lastly, the view that Marty & I see is that we're in a land fill with animals known as we're in Africa.
Me & Marty are in Africa. So, we go the King Zuba that we can stay for a year until our ride is going to be fixed for a year. King Zuba accepted & give the both of us a cave where we can sleep. Tomorrow, Marty & I get to meet the other animals, so we look around & we ended up meeting the new zebras in their gracing grounds.
Me: Hey, little zebra brother, theirs a group of zebras over there. Let's say, we can introduce ourselves? Marty the zebra: Sure, I don't see why not. Let's go. (We go to the group of zebras) Hey. Hey there, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Why, hi there, new zebra. Marty the zebra: Whoa! All of you sound just like me! Come on, brother. Zebra: Whoa, whoa, wait up! What is that creature with you, Marty? Marty the zebra: Oh, he's my a year older brother. He's a human, but until a year later, he'll return to his homeland. Zebra:(He's looking at me closely) Hmm. Alright, then. Welcome to the zebra group, young traveler. Me: Thank you. Zebra: So, Marty, what do you & the traveler do while you're traveling? Me: Well, we first met since I was in a island of Madagascar then, Marty came to me & I was first pounded by him while I leaning down & sleeping inside of my tent. Zebra: Ohh, pounding? You mean like this? (He's jams his cock into a zebra) Me: Yes. Just like that & we're=== (Marty & I look around us & we seeing that all of the other zebras pounding their cocks at each other) Marty the zebra: It looks like a pounding party. Come on, big brother. Let your little zebra brother get to pounding on ya hole, ya big dawg. Me: Ohh. Then, give your big brother some of your pounding. I am ready, Marty. Do your thing. (Marty jams his cock into me harder) (Groan hardly) Oh yeah, Marty! Oh yeah, keep pounding my hole! Urgh! Zebra:(All of the zebras has stop pounding each other & look at me & Marty) Whoa! Hey, guys, look! The boy is getting pounded by Marty himself! Let come & watch him get more pounded by Marty! Surround them in a circle. Oh, this is the best show we're seeing here in our life. Me:(Marty's still pounding on me) Oh yeah, little brother! Urgh, yeah! Whoo! Whoa, the zebras are watching us. This is like we're in a zoo cage now. Urgh, ohh, yeah. That's good right there. Argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, argh, oh yeah, little brother! Ohh, now you're getting there. (Marty pushes his cock harder into me) Oooooooooooh! (Sighing for 8 seconds) Oh yeah, Marty. You pushing your cock into me harder feel so good for your big brother, my little brother. Marty the zebra: Yep, and the part is we give the show of a whole group of zebras to watch the both of us. (He pull out his cock out of me) (I sigh) Zebra: Oh, wow. Oh, please. Let your friend here have a fun time with all of us zebras, Marty? Say tomorrow? Marty the zebra: Well, big brother? You want to spend some time with the other zebras tomorrow? So, they'll never stop until they get their cocks into you. Me: Alrighty, then, zebras. I'll be there tomorrow. Zebras:(In unison) Yay! We'll see you, young traveler. Tomorrow. Me: Ok. Now, Marty, give your big brother a ride to our a year cave. (Me & Marty are in our sleeping cave) (Before we go to sleep, I wanted to be pounded by Marty again now) Hey, Marty. Go ahead & pound your big brother. I wanted to be pounded now. Marty the zebra: Ok. Me:(He jams his cock into me harder) Ohhh, yeah, Marty. Like that, like that. Urgh, yeah. Keep pounding. (A lioness & her cub is looking at me & Marty. Then, the lioness cover her cub's eye because it's a inapprops part) Oh yeah, that's good. Oh yeah, right there. Urgh yeah, pound me there. Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. I can feel your cock in my stomach. I can feel it. Yeah, that's it. Oh yeah, it's a late night snack time for your big brother, my little brother. Marty the zebra: Oh, you wanted a late night snack, my big brother? Well, here it is. Me:(Marty pushes his cock into me harder) Urgggghhhh! (I'm sighing for 8 seconds) Ohh, now that's a late night snack for your big brother, Marty. Thanks. Marty the zebra: Sure, big brother. (Yawn) I'm getting tired. Me: Ok, then let's go to sleep. (We were about to go sleep, but then the lioness told her kid to ho back to sleep & this didn't happen) The Lioness thoughts: I've never seen a gay zebra loves to pound on a human.
To be continued............
Tomorrow afternoon, I've come over with all 49 zebras & they set a rock for me to lean on,
Me: Hello, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Hello, there, human. You're just on time. Zebra: Today, is your lucky day for you to pounded by all of us 49 zebras. Me: Whoa. It really is my lucky day. All of you 49 zebras are pounding on me. Zebra: Ya see that cave with a rock? Me: Yeah. Zebra: Well, go there & give all of us a moment. Me: Ok. (I enter the cave & leaning on the rock & be ready for all of the 49 zebras cocks) (All 49 zebras stand on a line for their turns) Zebra: Hey, there, partner. Are you ready for to be pound by all of 49 zebras? Me: Yeah. Yes, I am. Go ahead & pound me one by one. (The zebra jams his cock into me harder) Ohhhhhhh, yeah. Now, today, my lucky day has begun. Ohhhhhh, wow, yeah. Dig it! Dig it! (1 to the 49th zebra) Ooh, yeah, last zebra. Keep pounding me harder, zebra. Oh yeah. Dig it! Dig it! Oh yeah, come on. Give me some dinner now! Zebra #49: Oh, you want dinner?! I'll give you this! Me:(Zebra #49 pushes his cock harder into me) Ooooooh yeah, zebra! Urgh! Urgh! Urgh, now that pushing your cock into me harder is dinner, zebra! Oh, wow! Thanks for dinner! Zebra #49: Sure thing, you big pounder human! (Zebra #49 pull out his cock out of me & I sigh) Argh, you are such a pound lover for us all 49 zebras. Me: I am damn sure I am, zebra! Zebra: Say, think you & your little zebra brother Marty can come tomorrow afternoon? Then, that way there's 50 zebras will be your another lucky day for all 50 zebras. Me: Ok. The both of us will be there. Later. Zebra: See ya tomorrow. (I went back to Marty's & at night, we're sleeping now)
To be continued............
I told Marty that the both of us should come over afternoon to the zebras & that will be 50 zebras together to pound on me on a day. Marty accepts & we are going there now,
Marty the zebra:(I'm riding on Marty) Hello, other zebras. I'm here with my big brother here. And he is ready for all of us 50 zebras' cocks onto him. Zebra: Ohh, good. You, Marty, will go first then the rest of us 49 zebras will yo on him. Marty the zebra: Ok. Come on, big brother. Let the zebras prepare their cocks to get bigger & me too into that cave over there. Me: Ok. Then let us do. (3 minutes later) Zebra: Oh, us zebras decided one more thing. While some of us pounding you, we zebras are sucking your cock. Me: Ohh, catchy, I like it. Let's do. Ok, my little zebra brother, do it. Jam your cock. (Marty jams his cock into me harder) Ohhhhhhh yeah. Oh yeah. Now, pounding me & sucking my cock is so good & hot. Urgh, yeah, Marty, keep pounding your Big brother. And you, Zebra, ohh yeah, keep sucking my cock until I cum to your zebra mouth. Oh yeah, for the both of you zebras. You make your favorite human a pound & cock lover. Oh yeah, this is a temporary life. (Passed 1 to 50th zebra & Marty sucking my cock) Oooooh yeah, zebras. Urgh, keep it up! Oh wow, urgh! Your big brother is loving this pounding & cock sucking from the group of zebras. And he loves it. (I'm moaning loudly for 25 seconds) Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it! Oh yeah, last zebra, it's dinner time. Make your big brother some dinner from your cock. Zebra #50: Oh, I'll make you some dinner, alright! Like this! Me:(Zebra #50 pushes his cock into me harder) URGGGGHHHH, YEAH!!! (Groaning & I'm cumming inside of Marty's mouth & slurping on my cock as his straw to get all of the cum out of me) Oh, go ahead, Marty & slurp all of my cum! Marty the zebra:(He's slurping my cock as his straw) Mmm, your cum taste delicious like milk. Me: Thanks. (Zebra #50 pulls out his cock out of me) (Sigh) Oh, thank you, all zebras for making your big brother his lucky day. Marty the zebra & the other zebras:(In unison) Your welcome, big brother. Your cum taste like milk. Me: Why, thanks. It's been fun. Well, me & Marty have to go now. Come on, Marty, give your big brother a ride home. Bye, zebras. Zebras:(In unison) Bye, big brother. (Marty & I are back to our cave to sleep)
To be continued...........
1 year later
To be continued.............
A year later, the penguins got the plane fixed up again & me & Marty say our goodbye to the others while the both of us are in the plane,
Me & Marty the zebra: Bye, all other animals of this land. The animals: Bye to the both of you.
The penguins get the plane started & we're floating up then we're on our way home to New York. That toke the penguins to fly us to New York for 5 hours & we are there now. On landing on a landing pad & we get off the plane,
Me: Well, this is goodbye, Marty. Marty the zebra:(Sad sobbing) Oh man, do we have to separate to our own ways? Me: Yes, I have a life to headed to & you must go back to the Central Park zoo. But, don't worry, no matter where we go, we will always be brothers. (I wiped the tears out of Marty's eyes) Ok? Marty the zebra:(Sniffing sobbing) Mmm-hmm. (I give Marty a goodbye hug for 15 seconds) Goodbye, big brother. Me: Goodbye, little zebra brother. (We left each other to our own ways. Like, I started on a new life & Marty is back to the Central Park zoo)