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TagsBoa_Hancock, One_Piece, Reiq
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Info962x700 // 299KB // jpg
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Ericon_IX: Well... I think this is good evidence why I usually prefer 34 over RLporn.
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Draken: reiq traces!? wow... i never saw that comming...
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anomalous: Looks like Reiq referenced the picture on the left. He chose a sexy pose and produced a nice piece of pornographic art.
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Titanium: Agreed with anomalous. This is a reference pic, not a trace.
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Krawczyk: And how! Those toes are fucking nasty.
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Anonymous1: This is a known fact already. Almost all his hentai pictures have some sort of pornographic reference. There have been many comparisons already.
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Hromovlad: and?
artists often use photos as references
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Anonymous2: Yeah. Most art uses references. Like, 99% of it.
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Anonymous4: ^stfu
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Kyhin: Just so everyone knows cause I uploaded this, I wasn't accusing reiq of tracing, it's just clear reference. It just came as a suck to me is all, I figured reiq didn't reference, or at least not near this heavily.

It does sadden me he references this heavy tho due to the fact he charges anywhere from $200-$500 for a full completed commission pic. (or so I've heard) If I'm gonna be paying that kinda money, I want something original.
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Kyhin: ^Lol, suck. I totally meant to say shock.
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Anonymous5: Whatever, getting his pics for free is great. Can you believe a fucking commission by him costs 300 dollars?
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Anonymous6: extremely common pose in pornographic picture shoots is EXTREMELY COMMON.

Get your heads out of your asses, you'll be able to see better.
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Anonymous7: OH NOES! NOT R...R...REFERENCE!
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Okay: You dumb bastards, this is obviously traced. Just because it's not dead on doesn't means it's not traced. He obviously drew over the original image. Think with your brains and not your tiny dicks.
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Anonymous8: I think what people are annoyed at here is that its TOO smiler for a harmless reference.

Hand gestures are too smiler (Not hand positioning, don't get me wrong.)
The row of squares in the background

With out those you could call it a simple reference but with those two points it feels cheap.
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Anonymous9: five hundred dollars?

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Anonymous10: wow... I find you dumbasses, who think using reference material is the same as tracing, hilarious.

TRACERS don't draw with a steady hand or graduate with a degree in art from a top university. They trace because THEY CAN'T DRAW WELL.


Reiq's been doing this shit since he was a kid, and was considered a prodigy. Use your fuckin' heads, retards.
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Anonymous11(10): @ Okay:

You're fuckin' ret@rded. Why the fuck would a veteran pro-artist have any reason to trace anything? He's good enough to just fuckin look and draw. Maybe you should check for a tumor, cause your brain ain't working right.
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Anonymous12: @Okay:
"Just because it's not dead on doesn't mean it's not traced." Actually, I believe that proves that it WASN'T traced, due to how tracing works and all. Dumbass. Go back to first grade art class.

Now that that's settled, I don't think anyone actually gives a fuck whether or not it's traced. The drawn is obviously better than the original regardless.
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Anonymous13: Notice how the perspective on the feet in the drawing is a little bit off (or different, whatever), her right hand and arm is in a different position, boobs are different size... why am i even mentioning this shit, yall niggaz be blind. and, just for a fun fact, most good artists, especially ones who draw semi-realistically, use references. Live models are preferable, but often times one is not available. If daVinci had access to thousands of photographs to draw from, you think he wouldn't have used them as references?
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Kyhin: Lol, prodigy. How does reiq's dick taste, Anon10?

Oh wow, he even copied the background...
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mutantpenguin: Reminder: Copy =/= Trace
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Anonymous14: Good point, Kyhin. Copying the damn background goes far beyond "referencing".
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biggerstaff: If he can make a shit-ugly RL pic look that good, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
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queue: This is why some artists (if you consider porn as art) site their references, especially if it's heavy-handed. Keeps the drama exposure to a minimum. When someone pays hundreds for your art then you should have the courtesy to tell.
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Ezram: Is "reference" an euphemism for "trace" in this case? Lol.
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mutantpenguin: Anything to knock down artists a peg, I guess.
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Anonymous16: every good artist uses reference, its not cheating. even the most renown and populare non-porn artists use a massive library of reference images. such as anatomy books and even porn as seen here. hell brom himself said to go to your local skin shop and ask if you could draw the chicks naked. hes done it many times.
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Anonymous17: Look, if you want to see outright tracing, look at a professional artist like Greg Land. He not only traces, he reuses the same sources multiple times, to the point where the pieces are so badly composited, the panel or page doesn't actually make sense. This is a photoreference. There is a distinct difference between the two. Learn it. Love it. It may someday save your life.
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Anonymous18(13): Here is how to prove not a trace: Lower opacity of reiq's drawing, overlay on photo.
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Au_clair_de_la_lune: Another prof that real women are nothing to precious cartoons.
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Au_clair_de_la_lune: real women can eat my shit, and that would be like a gift to those ugly dogs
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Au_clair_de_la_lune: also most of the users of 34, are engineers, programmers, chemists, or burger flippers


go back to explain fucking magnets, smart boys
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Anonymous19: soem of you lot are chatting like you cant trace something, then go back and changed little bits just to call it your own. this looks like a clear trace in hancocks clothes thats it really.

anyone who has done art on this site for a course will know if you want a fast and good result trace THEN tweek and call it a reference...
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Anonymous20(4): ^ Hurrfdurff how does I did grammar?
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Kyhin: Fact of the matter, with how much money reiq charges for his work he should by no means "reference" anywhere NEAR this much. As far as I'm concerned, he's robbing people blind.
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harrychan90: its fucking hot since its half real half fake
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Stryker: Kyhin says he's not trying to start drama and then he goes posting more bs. You're a funny guy Kyhin. I wouldn't care if he traced it. I prefer drawn porn over real anyways.
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Kyhin: As do I, buuut... *bitch bitch bitch*
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O_Rly: Whatever. Reiq is still awesome.
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Anonymous22(14): If this isn't traced, why did he copy even the unnecessary lighting on the left?

Still fappable, though.
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Anonymous23: cuz it looks cool? duh
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Anonymous24: lets talk some more about the art that we're trying to masturbate to
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Anonymous25: LOL Prodigy?
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Anonymous26: @ Kyhin: So you'd want pay a painter more money if he didn't look at the subject he was painting?
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Anonymous27: So apparently this "DaVinci" idiot was looking at a person and using her as a "reference" when he painted the Mona Lisa!


(Tracing = bad, referencing = something many artists do, very fucking often)
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Anonymous28: compare DaVinci with this shit is a serious crime, actually
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MrAnon: Man, that woman on the left has to lose some weight to look like hancock. Her face is too fat.
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Anonymous29: Regardless of if it's a reference or a trace, it's unoriginal that he borrowed from the original picture. All of you defending it are just fanboys on reiq's dick.


Because if he "referenced" another artist that you like more, you'd call him a talentless hack, but because it's a photo of some italian bitch, you're like "nah dude it's art", fuck off.
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monkeybeard: Only thing that's similar is the pose really. Even if you drew the human body completely off the top of your head, it would still be unoriginal because there would most definitely be a picture with the same pose already out there somewhere.
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Anonymous30: his art is not worth $300 by a LONGSHOT
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JWN926: Any art worth $300+ better have at least 50 years on me... and the artist better be dead.
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Maha: personally, hentai is just hentai... fap to it and gtf over it...
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sonicfan81: this is sooooo a REF pic, Reiq DOES NOT TRACE!!
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Anonymous31: ^ Now THAT is a fanboy on Reiq's dick.
Why all the drama, anyway? Just steal his shit via the internet like everyone else if you're aware it's not even bordering on worth the money. It's not like porn can only be found here.
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Anonymous32(31): Okay, no, sorry. Anonymous 11/12 is either on Reiq's dick like a fat kid on cake or Reiq himself.
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Anonymous33: @Reiq's dick riders
The background is also copied... far beyond just referencing. This is unoriginal bullshit. If I paid 300 bucks for someone to draw me a shitty picture they better damn well not copy every last thing from an existing one unless it's their personal model. If you ask me this faggot needs to pay royalties to the model and the photographer. Nothing pisses me off more than this shit.
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RebelKomodo: Oh wow, two columns of squares were "copied". Who fucking cares? He drew the rest of the background himself.

Also, no, this isn't a trace. Putting it in photoshop, putting one of the picures over the other and lowering the opacity reveals it's just a reference.

EVERYONE USES FUCKING REFERENCES. Those who don't are either geniuses, are mediocre, or actually fucking trace. Of course, they don't use them all the time, but that's because they can draw from memory.
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RebelKomodo: Eh, I overgeneralized. I should say when you draw semirealistically, then yeah, knowing how to draw from references is important.
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Anonymous34: @anon 29, 31, 32, 33

Can you make your samefagging more obvious?

also i suck yo dick?
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Anonymous35: Traced? No, not at all. As an artist myself I can spot that this most definitely was NOT traced. Referenced perhaps, but definitely not traced.

And even if the background looks similar, you can clearly see that the squares are misplaced at best. Seriously.

Also, pay attention to the body structure and the finer points of the image.

Explain to me again how this is a trace?
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Anonymous36: People who say this is traced are ignorant attractive and successful Africans that can barely draw stick figures.

Haters gonna hate.
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Anonymous37: What I find odd is there's no date on the photograph, so how do we know that the photographer didn't take the pose from Reiq? Given, this is a common pose in pornography. I'm not accusing anyone either way, I reserve judgement until i find something more substantial evidence wise.
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Anonymous38: Apparantely, 99% of people on this site don't know what "tracing" even means. No wonder the DNP list keeps constantly growing. Artists don't want to deal with your ignorant bullshit.
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Anonymous39: Or, y'know the 2 columns were because he wanted to have the light source on the image so he could do proper lighting? Maybe you're just quick to assume.

THough there are some who do trace or make horrible quality copies.
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Anonymous40: Or you know.. Someone said "hey this pose is hot, here is money. Draw her like this!"
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Anonymous41: He did copy the hand that is holding the leg because I lower opacity on the pic in the left and it matched perfectly. Also the head too. I love his work but copying is just not right! Yes I don't think he traced all of the picture but it's not worth it because he wants like 300 dollars for a pic if you commission him. NOT WORTH IT AT ALL!
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Anonymous42: Anon41. Yes it is for a piece like this.
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Arriant: I can agree with both sides of this argument. On the one hand, REIQ has his own distinctive style that has appeal over the real images he references. On the other hand, regardless of whether he's tracing or not, he's referencing this pose so closely that its killed the creativity and undermines the artistic process.
Honestly, I thought it was obvious that REIQ was closely referencing these kinds of images. I mean, just look at his work. From an artistic point of view and on the fundamental level, I think its bullshit, but on the other hand most people couldn't care less and these types of poses are what they want to see anyway.
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Nearphotison: It's definitely not traced. There's no way, the positioning is off. I'd say he used it as a reference, which isn't a crime at all. I do it a lot, though I can't put out anything half this good.
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Anonymous43: whats the name of the woman? damn she is so damn hot.
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Anonymous44: Do you retards realize every serious artist traces / uses references right?

You just DON'T fucking draw straight from mental imagery, unless you want your drawing to look like QUALITY
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Anonymous45: I would have felt so cheated if that was my commission.
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Anonymous46: Y'all do realize he only charges about $50/commission right? Not a bad deal.
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Anonymous47: Ummm okay it very much possible for reiq to use his own imagination, with his own mind, with his own desire to do so. If you don't like that he uses references like the other million artists in the world then I want to see you do better. I mean like really half of you who said he traced are not even artist, are you?
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Anonymous48: You guys do realize how many hours he spends just coloring in his pieces, right?
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Anonymous49: well actually am an artist who draw hentai , and possibly the drawing of reiq is not traced following the real female lines but its really obvius he draw on top of the real photo (another layer) just trying to make some changes for it dont looks traced , its very easy to do , and many artist do , i do also , but charge that amount of money for a commission following this path its really a crime , also i dont believe all his drawings are done this way
so we can say this boa hamcock was half traced somehow
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epsxe: You have to be very dumb to even suspect this is some kind of tracing.

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