TDG: Because if he was looking out the back through an axed hole in her body it wouldn't be porn anymore.
And far less hilariously stupid and feature worthy
Krawczyk: In other news, Jack Nicholson died today. He spun the wheel of reincarnation, and got ALMOST got his wish of being Keira Knightley's underwear.
It landed on Jennifer Tilly's New Bra instead. And so here we are.
Anonymous22: ...why. Just...why. Who sat down at their computer, loaded up a program and said 'gee, I think I will draw Jack Torrence peering out from between some tits'.
WHY. I'm not complaining, but just ... why. How do people manage to have these thought processes.
SpacePirateKhan: All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no tits makes Jack a dull boy.
Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: Man between boobs? That's nothing; consider the thought processes that led to bread and cheese. The ground-up seeds from the head of a stick-thin plant mixed with water, made into a paste and heated up? The collected leftovers from rotted bovine mammary seepage, left to decay for up to years at a time? 'Man in boobs' has nothing on cheese.
Titanium: A professor I knew liked the "All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy" because it illustrates the many vowel types in English. IIRC, in Japanese they'd only pronounce 4, but in reality there are 8 pronunciations (I could be off in that count).
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And far less hilariously stupid and feature worthy
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He spun the wheel of reincarnation, and got ALMOST got his wish of being Keira Knightley's underwear.
It landed on Jennifer Tilly's New Bra instead. And so here we are.
WHY. I'm not complaining, but just ... why. How do people manage to have these thought processes.
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*slow clap is started, I'll leave it up to you fags to pick it up*
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frightened? check.
aroused? just not sure anymore.
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Go masturbate?
Don't mind if I do! *fap fap fap*
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this is why i love Paheal
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