Witchan: And I guess they're going to add more pics of Jasmine and Whitney grabbing each other's boobies like always, and I find that pretty lame and boring, despite posting this average pic....
Witchan: Jasmine: That's for violating me sexually and I'm going to keep squeezing your breasts until you say I'm sorry.
Whitney: Ok, ok. I'm sorry for violating you sexually and I promise I won't do it again.
Jasmine: That's a good girl but I'm still going to squeeze your breasts all day and night whether you like it or not.
Whitney: Oh no...
Nope. And since this is one of my favorite Yuri shippings, I'm going to give it a thumbs up since any Jasmine/Whitney pic makes me fap to death and the other shippings that I dislike (especially the Cynthia/Dawn shipping) should just die.
Anonymous10(7): OMG Witchan you gay faggot. Go DIE already.
There is so much wrong with this comment...."I respect other people's opinions, I don't attack them" You do attack others.
And no one cares about your Goddamn shippings. Go to Motherfucking Deviantart.
Witchan: First of all, I don't hate Yuri, I just hate some boring pairings such as the Cynthia/Dawn one and second of all, I'm not a troll, so you fail hard Anon12.
And I guess you would rather bash me other than talking about this epic pic and this topic was getting better and better until Anon7 ruined it. Get a fucking life, asshole.
Anonymous14: first of all I would say that MV is a fake, anon12 is a moron (who seek you anon12?) and anon13 is an autistic faggot who tries to convince himself that witchan is gay because he doesn't like some of his fauvorite pokègirls so he can find a reason to not cry anymore.
Don't feed the trolls witchan.
Anonymous15(14): = anon14
Continuing, anon7=8 is the true troll here. Don't worry btw anon7=8, you will never be the man that your mother is, so stfu and don't try too hard moron.
Anonymous20: I think that the anons from 7 to 12 are all the same person. If you want to be a fake anon7 at least try to be original, you all speak in the same dolty way.
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Whitney: Ok, ok. I'm sorry for violating you sexually and I promise I won't do it again.
Jasmine: That's a good girl but I'm still going to squeeze your breasts all day and night whether you like it or not.
Whitney: Oh no...
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Nope. And since this is one of my favorite Yuri shippings, I'm going to give it a thumbs up since any Jasmine/Whitney pic makes me fap to death and the other shippings that I dislike (especially the Cynthia/Dawn shipping) should just die.
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LOL. At least this shipping still owns everthing and by the way...
Come on, Jasmine. Squeeze your girlfriend's boobies with great pleasure.
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And by the way, if no one likes me, then why am I being appreciated by posting porn? Dumbass.
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And I guess you're obviously a homosexual yourself by calling other people gay for no apparent reason. Get a life.
And by the way, your username sucks.
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Insulting someone's username: last resort of people who don't know anything else to say.
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And... you just called me a homo for no particular reason. Does that count?
There is so much wrong with this comment...."I respect other people's opinions, I don't attack them" You do attack others.
And no one cares about your Goddamn shippings. Go to Motherfucking Deviantart.
a bad one too.
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And I guess you would rather bash me other than talking about this epic pic and this topic was getting better and better until Anon7 ruined it. Get a fucking life, asshole.
Don't feed the trolls witchan.
Continuing, anon7=8 is the true troll here. Don't worry btw anon7=8, you will never be the man that your mother is, so stfu and don't try too hard moron.
sorry but you don't need glasses to be sure and say "anon7 is a troll"
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