CriscoJones: Why not? They're fucking rabid dogs them predators, I seen em myself. They'll come up behind u and rip your spine out. Wild animals I tell ya!
Anonymous3: I know it's "popular" online to make race jokes left and right? But jesus christ you people are fucking annoying and this comes from a German/Irishman. Anyhow, mislabeled. Noguchi was of Japanese descent, not African. And she never had any tattoos. Even if the hair and blooding mark are right, which is weird since it was Dachande's and he kind of died after blooding Noguchi. But eh, fan-characters. What're ya gonna do?
CriscoJones: ^Hey buddy I can't be racist i'm brown! Anyways she looks like a nasty attractive and successful African to me. Predators prefer animals as wild as they are.
Anonymous8: Despite how sexual and awesome this pic is with Machiko, I believe I must describe this pic with a quote from another property: "Error. Time Paradox."
Perfect_Cell: Anon10: Are you thinking of the new ones from Predators or just all in general? The only I've heard them stealing others' technology were in two original novels, "Forever Midnight" and "Flesh And Blood", neither which really have any real bearing on the series...
Fucking idiot.
And who say's you can't be brown and racist; she's got a fuckin' honky-ass nose ^_^
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