Anon322: Is it a Frankenstein thing...
or a Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb kinda thing....
or even a Silent Hill thing
Sorry but "Thing" is the best word that comes to mind
Draksivorne: their spelled "Lame" and "Dumb" and please don’t try to comprehend, you are obviously just another who simply lack the frame of mind needed to understand my work…
Anonymous3: Haha origonal... but no, I think I DO understand your "work": you are what is known on the internet as a "sick fuck", although with an interestingly condescending manner
appealus: @Draksivorne = Wait. Bill from Silence of the Lambs was named Jame Gumb right? What exactly were you getting angry about in your first comment?
Tumor: This is where you've slowed down, Drak?
Nowhere near as enthralling as you're last few, though more polished.
Is polished what you want? That doesn't sound like you. Give us something more intense next time, I'd be broken hearted to think you were slipping.
TheFriendlyDutchman: funny story Tumor Ive known the guy for the best part of two years.
Met him in secondary, a Loner like myself. and I've tried to keep in reletive contact online, been swinging round to his place, you know all that kind of crap.
but recently he cut his connections, cut his conversations with me ME one of his few Fucking friends, he apparentlly even cut a major project he was working on.
he does this every once in a while, whenever he seemes to be "slipping" as you can see in the picture, he fucks off to find himself or some bullshite like that, either way from a while no one sees head or tail of him.
I never could get in that pricks mind y'know, why he never post's his hand drawn stuff either is beyond me, If I could get into his apartment I'd take em and post them my fucking self.
haaah fuckin hell... Whell he'll pop up again some day, lets just both hope he doesnt hang up his doll anytime soon, I'll see if I can coax him into scanning up his carpet of sketches or somthing, but knowing him Im sure Id get a poetic lecture about wires and skin and leave beleaving I made some headway but later be sitting at home wondering what the hell he was skuttering on about.
Anonymous6: The piece is good opinion. But Mr.Drakwhatever seems to me to be trying too hard to be condescending, comes of somewhat, well, I'll let you fill in the blanks.
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or a Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb kinda thing....
or even a Silent Hill thing
Sorry but "Thing" is the best word that comes to mind
But don’t tear for you are among many the same.
Ref: Ed Gein.
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I merely thought the man was just a "sloppy" typest.
however I still can take an offence at thw work being labled "Thing", would you not agree?
and to the amusing Anonymous numbered 3, I guess I would be considered a Sick fuck, infact I kind of like the sound of that...
Mmmmmmm almost makees my cold numb skin quiver in exitment of what such an Ideal could be capable of.
I guess you and hentai doll are the same bloke, but i like what you've done all the same
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Nowhere near as enthralling as you're last few, though more polished.
Is polished what you want? That doesn't sound like you. Give us something more intense next time, I'd be broken hearted to think you were slipping.
Met him in secondary, a Loner like myself. and I've tried to keep in reletive contact online, been swinging round to his place, you know all that kind of crap.
but recently he cut his connections, cut his conversations with me ME one of his few Fucking friends, he apparentlly even cut a major project he was working on.
he does this every once in a while, whenever he seemes to be "slipping" as you can see in the picture, he fucks off to find himself or some bullshite like that, either way from a while no one sees head or tail of him.
I never could get in that pricks mind y'know, why he never post's his hand drawn stuff either is beyond me, If I could get into his apartment I'd take em and post them my fucking self.
haaah fuckin hell... Whell he'll pop up again some day, lets just both hope he doesnt hang up his doll anytime soon, I'll see if I can coax him into scanning up his carpet of sketches or somthing, but knowing him Im sure Id get a poetic lecture about wires and skin and leave beleaving I made some headway but later be sitting at home wondering what the hell he was skuttering on about.