Anonymous4: Well, my Japanese is rusty, but the hearts mean that the guys and the bad gals are getting into it, and the exclamation marks means Terra isn't. Course, you lose alot of context in translation
Anonymous12: If I'm not mistaken, Terra's saying "Onion, help me!" I'm PRETTY sure that kanji is tasukete anyway... the rest... your guess is as good as mine.
Anonymous13: (The woman with a heart on her forehead) : Washi to (sorry can't read this kanji yet.... Ithink it's probably something like "to dance" or to hug" hug would be "dakareru". Washi is Me/I for older people in japanese. So "washi to" should be "...with me")
Terra (tina) : Onion... Tasukete (Onion... help me)
Lucretia : Watakushi mo irimasu wa (I'm here too)
Onion and co : Matte te Tina ! Kanarazu tasukerukedo ato juubun matte (Wait for us Terra ! We will save you for sure, but wait 10 min)
The guy in lower middle place : Ore mo-!! (Me too!!)
Anonymous14(13): Finally, it can not be "to dance" either... I remember it's "odoru", and I don't recognize this kanji. The end of this verb (the kanji for this matter) is finishing by "reyouzo". Verbs ends in U/su/saseru/ru/rareru...etc. So, I think (in this case) it's an ending in "ru" or "reru".
PS : I did a mistake : it was not Lucretia but Ultimecia in my post before.
And I think you're fluent.
Firion and Onion: W000TZ!!!
WoL: STFU and help her.
CoD: *Blush*
Meh, Cloud of Darkness would eat that Light for breakfast...
Terra (tina) : Onion... Tasukete (Onion... help me)
Lucretia : Watakushi mo irimasu wa (I'm here too)
Onion and co : Matte te Tina ! Kanarazu tasukerukedo ato juubun matte (Wait for us Terra ! We will save you for sure, but wait 10 min)
The guy in lower middle place : Ore mo-!! (Me too!!)
PS : I did a mistake : it was not Lucretia but Ultimecia in my post before.