Anonymous2: Weird pose, looks unnatural. The way her foot is facing on her right leg looks stupid. Cross-eyed, small ears, not enough hair on the head. Pubic hair looks like it was copypasted from somewhere else. Right hand is either paralyzed or she has her pinky and middle finger missing. Her left ankle is placed way too high. Other than that, good pic.
Ross_Irving: So can anyone tell me why human proportions won't work on Sonic art again? I have my reasons, but what about yours?
I have no idea how they could have fucked up on her left ankle. Seriously, take five seconds to lift your own foot up and see where the ankle is (hint: it's somewhere on the fucking foot, not the shin). Each part of her body feels separate, nothing really flows all that well, the pose doesn't help that, either. Too symmetrical, details look pasted on.
I have no idea how they could have fucked up on her left ankle. Seriously, take five seconds to lift your own foot up and see where the ankle is (hint: it's somewhere on the fucking foot, not the shin). Each part of her body feels separate, nothing really flows all that well, the pose doesn't help that, either. Too symmetrical, details look pasted on.