Anonymous2: This is four months after the day Max and Kate were first SHITTED, which resulted after them misunderstanding a lecture from principal Wells who told them they needed to show appreciation for the oppressed race.
Anonymous3(2): Hey, why does this site change the word SHITTED?
I think I need to become Jefferson's apprentice in order to understand this, and of course to get to fuck slutty bitches like Rachel and Chloe.
Anonymous5(2): both got hands behind their backs, assuming they are cuffed like proper slaves need to be... white girls in their proper status as slaves to the real master race
Anonymous7(6): @Anonymous5(2): yeah? thats why N i g g e r s are 3rd class citizens then, huh? killing each other in droves and treated like s l a ves by rich W H I TE (the real superior race) as entertainment cattle huh. ok then.
I think I need to become Jefferson's apprentice in order to understand this, and of course to get to fuck slutty bitches like Rachel and Chloe.
What is wrong with the word blakked?
you can clean our dicks after we're done impregnating your slut sisters and daughters, cuck boy
white boy cocks will be cut off at birth in black ruled america
Yeah white bois will become slutty whores like their sisters, mothers and daughters. Eradicate the white devil genes!