Anonymous3: This was the first time I've seen one of these images and genuinely felt the artist wasn't trying to shock or mock the aging process. Well done.
Anonymous5: As I understand it, most of the Aunt May images out there are commissioned images, and whoever asked for them seemed to like showing Aunt May with 'extreme gape' and the like.
I'm guessing that some artists weren't comfortable with that, thus more standard images like this.
Anonymous8: Yeah, I think all these are based on Ultimate May, particularly the version as drawn by Mark Bagley (he drew her somewhat attractive, but I think he is just one of those artists who just can't draw an ugly woman unless he put extreme effort into it ^_^).
Anonymous9: You know, I've always found it rather strange that will all the Art done for Ultimate Spider-Man and it's various Female secondary characters there is so little Art done with May (The Ultimate version) who is the youngest looking depiction of May and, without question, the hottest. Unless you're into extreme Grannys. It's a huge let down that Ultimate Spider-Man May is so poorly represented. Sadly, most of the artists I know who could do the character justice are either on the down low, don't take requests, or are gone. Always thought then was nothing wrong with Pete showing May some intimate affection, considering their not related by Blood and that, with the Uncle in the ground, they are closer with each other then anyone else.
I'd hit that.
I'm guessing that some artists weren't comfortable with that, thus more standard images like this.
k-box. the same one behind tiny dick spider-man.
i think he was molested by a much older female relative when he was a kid, so now only giant well-used cunts contrasting with tiny dicks gets him off.