@Hookedonlemons: No, Disney just wanted to make this to make more money with all their 'Disney Princess' merchandise, realizing they actually needed racial diversity if they wanted to sell more broadly.
And, @Anon2: Disney was long dead when the version they adapted was released in 2002.
Anonymous5: she was a lot hotter black and this whole racesism thing with black people has gotten old and last time I checked that whole white power thing not doing so well in america
Anonymous7(5): If I could have one wish I would inslave every last white person in the world and have them branded Nigers for the rest of thier generation and future generations lives and see how they like it you white devils
Anonymous11: lol this is atually really funny, people really care that much about race huh? seems very petty and childish to me but whatever, people can do as they please i guess.
Consolamentum: Ah well, I suppose Anon11/13 is right. This is a Rule 34 site after all; I guess we are all pathetic retarded wankers in the eyes of the world whether we are racists or not.
Anonymous14: yeah, Black Power's socially acceptable in the US- it brings thoughts of liberty & freedom, as well as the image of a prominent black man standing in front of a sunset over the ocean as he stares dramatically into the middle-distance, finally content, knowing his fight for equality is won.
Anonymous15(14): ... yeah, and white power brings to mind dirty, inbreeding rednecks burning crosses, lynching minorities, and painting swastikas. best not to yell it, you might get shot at- and probably by a super offended white person trying to prove he's not a racist.
Anonymous18: And all black power gets you is crooked teeth punk ass wannabes, two face sneaky thieves that will steal anything if they think they can, and drug dealing, gun holding gangsta bitches.
Anonymous19: what i dont really understand is why ppl are so against that shes black , we have more dark skinned princesses from disney movies , like Pocahontas and jasmine they are allso imo dark skinned in there movies , but none has alterd there colors mutsh in any pic's i have seen so why should ppl reakt to this princess and make her white when she has her beutifull dark chocolate skin
Biohazard724: WTF are you talking about J4mie? Jasmine wears silk through the entire movie and owns a tiger, thats as close to the arab culture as disney could get without putting her in a Khemar and having her pray towards Mecca 5 times a day.
Anonymous20: Like J4mie said: For the racefags it's race that bugs them. Pocahontas is Native American. Jasmine is Arab. Neither are African American. Ditto for Lilo & Nane(?). Ok dudes, I'm white. Never gotten it on with any Black girls but I've had 2 Arab girls in the last year who were more cleanly and exotic than a lot of the bangin' Platinum Blonds I've met on the West Coast. They were up there with the best of em' so to speak(& I don't care one way or the other if some of the cyber gurus here pass me off as just another hopeless virgin or not, your denial is your own business). Just remember dudes. Life is NEVER always black & white, but there will ALWAYS be an overlying shade of gray. Yes there are some fugly ppl in this world, so what? Do you really think that justifies categorizing them based on what you, one fuckin' drone, sees and interprets. As far as I'm concerned, ppl who deal in absolutes and take pride in their bigotry should be cast out or executed. Because bigotry is a prime force of weakness, a weakness of the mind. And the world has little time for such petty weaknesses. For those who's heads aren't buried up their tail-pipes, what should matter is that a person has a decent heart and a rational and fair-thinking mind. If they prove to be more compassionate and decent at heart than the majority of the pathetic fucks who walk this Earth, I'd tell you to cherish the fact that you got to even meet them. Skin color shouldn't make a damn bit of difference if their heart and mind seem greater than your own. All this coming from someone of Norwegian and Germanic descent. Let that be a lesson to those of African descent or otherwise. Not all of us white folk care if your skin is black, white, tan, or fuckin' magenta. The only thing I'm likely to judge you for is how much you've let the world shape your mind and more specifically how much ignorance you've allowed to be deposited there. God speed humanity.
Consolamentum: What the heck have you been smoking J4mie? (And where can I get some?) I can agree that Jasmine's clothes don't exactly correspond with the usual Islamic dress code, but what do you mean when you claim that she "rejects Arab culture in genetics"?
Anonymous22: This version looks kind of stupid. Blond hair and blue eye. With black features. It really dose look a broke ass version of Mariah Carey. LOL. Somebody fail art class. Hey wheres Nick Cannon.
Anonymous23: Consolamentum, Islam is only about 800 years old, so I am guessing that the 'Aladdin' story is set well before that. In certain Middle East cultures, pre-Islam, women were treated much better than they are now. Go figure.
Krawczyk: Frogs legs are tasty. Of course nobody removed the frog! We need something to snack on after we bumpbump this much improved and much humanized orleans native.
meowmix: Anon19 is wasting his breath. So is every other moralfag in here. This is the internet. On a porn site. With CARTOONS. And, as you can tell, many trolls as well. So shut up and fucking cope. It's the internet, aka.... your opinion is worthless no matter what.
Anonymous28: All races are naturally suspicious of each other and seek to dominate them. Its just a matter of who has the power at the time. All world history is a story of Dominating and Subjected peoples. African and Native American, as well as Italian, Gallic, Germanic (etc) groups have even strove for tribal dominance within their own ethnic groups. Man is (argueably) no different than any territorial animal.
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*plays "The More You Know" music*
@Hookedonlemons: No, Disney just wanted to make this to make more money with all their 'Disney Princess' merchandise, realizing they actually needed racial diversity if they wanted to sell more broadly.
And, @Anon2: Disney was long dead when the version they adapted was released in 2002.
Fuck you too anon 4 and 5.
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otherwise she's a "cheap-ass Mariah Carey"
And you can't really count Jasmine, considering how much she looks like she rejects arab culture in clothes and genetics.
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