Anonymous1: Not bad, although she's still missing her arms. Which is a turn off on my side. How else is she going to hold a penis whilst singing songs?
Anonymous2: My god this is horrible! I thought you said you were going to fix this! Why the hell does she have two eyes now!!!? Take them both out now.
Drakeman7: Darn, looks like I was wrong. Even when there's so much content in the pic that it would be impossible to edit out, someone goes and does it anyway.
For those who can't see the differences: The empty eye socket and acid burning legs were "fixed".
Same argument I give everyone: GO FIND ANOTHER PIC TO FAP TO. It's just porn; If you don't like it, don't ruin it for the people that do.
Also, that new eye seems awkward for one reason or another.
Izen: Oh, good sweet Christ Drakeman, I'm sorry that someone editting another picture into something they could enjoy is such an outstanding problem for you. I now fully understand that by editting this picture, this person has completely and totally ruined the old picture, thereby making it unfappable too. See, I used to think that editting pictures so that they could appeal to a larger audience was a good thing, but now I realize that it's wrong to make porn you can fap to because that clearly ruins it for other people by desecrating the original image.
Kindly shove it up your ass, okay?
Anonymous7: "If you don't like it, don't ruin it for the people that do. "
So...your point is that by making it into an image that doesn't make US vomit we've ruined your ability to enjoy previous iterations?
I'm gonna need 10 gallons of brain bleach after seeing THIS version: how do you think you aren't ruining the rule34 experience for others?
Not really your fault I guess: we'd need content as well as source tags to avoid this.
Anonymous10: I just lost my boner i don't want to fuck a victim with missing body parts! I just wants the full-pack, people THE FULL-PACK!!! Alright now i have to calm down, breath... there any other hot pics here?
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For those who can't see the differences: The empty eye socket and acid burning legs were "fixed".
Same argument I give everyone: GO FIND ANOTHER PIC TO FAP TO. It's just porn; If you don't like it, don't ruin it for the people that do.
Also, that new eye seems awkward for one reason or another.
Kindly shove it up your ass, okay?
I can't see another one picture such is this
it's horrible
if it's a good image, but covered in fetishes you're just not into, why not rub them off and keep what you like, yeah?
I'd pick the onions out of my hamburger before I decided to find a new sandwich
So...your point is that by making it into an image that doesn't make US vomit we've ruined your ability to enjoy previous iterations?
I'm gonna need 10 gallons of brain bleach after seeing THIS version: how do you think you aren't ruining the rule34 experience for others?
Not really your fault I guess: we'd need content as well as source tags to avoid this.
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