secretman: Woot'n'awesome made better by not having to wait long for it =D.
Fresh from Pixiv and... I don't get the whole Leopard costume theme. Over on Pixiv, anyway, many artists now are drawing pinups in these leopard costumes. Maybe it's some Japanese thing.
Anonymous14: um.. yeah.. Anon 14, you ARE aware that the raccoon suit from Mario Bros. 3 was a deep brown color and, you know, actually LOOKED like a raccoon suit, or maybe you're the retarded one... either way, enough chattin', gentlemen, start your fapping!!
Fresh from Pixiv and... I don't get the whole Leopard costume theme. Over on Pixiv, anyway, many artists now are drawing pinups in these leopard costumes. Maybe it's some Japanese thing.
1) it's either partially resting on her hand.
2) in the process of falling off.
It's not anti-gravitational.
Rawr~. =}
It's still not a leopard suit, anyway. It's a tiger suit. There's a difference in the pattern.