Mister: So... when he changes back into a dude, is the baby shunted into his colon? Is the baby messily aborted? Does he explode in a grisly fountain of gore and feces? What is this I don't even...
Anonymous7: Well, I think the author has to be pretty naive to think she can make a series like this and NOT have people contemplate these types of scenarios. It's just how people are.
Anonymous8: Well pregnancy is quite possible... I mean look at the Musk and how they always took advantage of the springs powers by throwing animals into the spring of drowned girl and then using the locking ladle (forgot it's name. as for what would happen if not locked... who knows... maybe it makes the victim sterile... in both forms... hehe...
Anonymous11: Well, I've never seen any hints at a transformation as such... It literally gives him the body of the drowned girl, maybe it's more of an instant switch between two unrelated forms?
So, changing to a guy would only have the problem of explaining how she started the pregnancy, say, 12 months before giving birth, due to the time shift.
Anonymous12: my theory is that whichever body is not in use is in stasis until the correct temp water comes into contact, meaning that nothing changes until the other body is in use.
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So, changing to a guy would only have the problem of explaining how she started the pregnancy, say, 12 months before giving birth, due to the time shift.
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