AV: i got inspired by gta IV's awesome art style. Ty Lee is in mid air motion about to fall on top of katara, while bringing azulas face to smash right into her vagoo. Case you were wondering why shes floating.
AV: yea been busy (still am) drawing other stuff for school and galleries+ partying in ny. ;D
but i found time to jizz this one out of my photoshop penis lol
asddsa1: "I made a deal with the wrong Spirit, man! I'm the only man in the history of this world with the hottest Fire AND Waterbender clubs at the SAME TIME, and I'm about to lose everything!"
"Wang Fire, you'll always be the king of this town. You ARE this town!"
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Nice to see you drawing again AV!
but i found time to jizz this one out of my photoshop penis lol
"Wang Fire, you'll always be the king of this town. You ARE this town!"
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would fap again.
Anon 8 what are you on...he'd say wanna go fukin bowling...
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