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Yig: you sure this is 34?
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Yig: Oh wait, I saw it, nevermind
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Anonymous1: Still a MASSIVE stretch to call this 34, IMHO.
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Anonymous2: Where's the Tripping the rift and Six tags?
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Anonymous3: belly butten vagina made me lol
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Anonymous4: Well it not being Six of Nine for one thing.
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Anonymous5: who the hell is six of nine? are you thinking about seven of nine from startrek?
six (just six afaik) is an andoid in a show called tripping the rift
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Anonymous6: six of nine might is her full name bro'non
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Anonymous7: "Yig snake daddy we come lookin' for you, We got a bored-out Chevy and a 12 pack of brew. And we're a right miffed party and it's easy to see, We got a one way ticket to a pit of insanity."
Had to do it. Also, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 13. ♥

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