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TagsDarkNek0Gami, Lucario, Porkyman
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Info635x561 // 155KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: gotta suck them all <3
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Anonymous2: She's doing a good job of it. :D
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Anonymous3: @Anon2

I will say hes doing a very good job....retard.
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MolesterOfPokemans: How about a nice cup of shut the fuck up.
I know it's DarkNek0Gami, but let the man believe what he goddamn pleases.
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Anonymous4: lol mop
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Anonymous5: ohhh, you just got effed in the a anon 3!
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Chef_Retardee: Now we're in real trouble.
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Okay: Heteros can say to themselves what they want, but having your dick sucked by a man does make you gay, fuckers
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Anonymous6: There are female Lucario.
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Anonymous7(2): @Anon3

I dont see any male equipment on it...retard.
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anomalous: It's assumed that everything DarkNekoGami draws has a penis somewhere.
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Anonymous8: Dude fuck all you dark nekogami is fucking awesome so shut the hell up and let the man draw for god sake u guys r acting like a bunch of fuckn retards
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Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: Life lesson, Anon10: Swear words make your argument LESS effective.

Now, as those singers said: 'No mater what they tell us, what we believe is true'. Other than the artist, there's no evidence either way of that Lucario's genitalia. Because of this, this picture is neither hetro or homo and can be used by both.
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Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: I had a quick look through Dark's stuff to see who was right. It's about 2:1 ratio, with more homo than not, but there's definitly enough hetro in his collection to say he's not exclusively homo. As such, this picture remains neutral, and can not be proven to be either hetro or homo.

Ergo, arguing is futile. Do some research next time, guys. :/
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Anonymous9(3): @MolesterOfPokemons,Okay,Anon7 & Anon3

What about you all shut the fuck up you the 4 retards bitching about a drawing who cares rather its male or female, also MolesterOfPokemons you really need like to shut fuck up your self same with Okay, Anon7 & Anon 3 you are all retards, anywase its still hawt! <3
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Anonymous10(3): LOL! @ Anon3,MolesterOfPokemons,Okay,Anon7 and Anon9

Dudes calm the fuck down its jus a drawing.
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Anonymous11(3): @POWYS

Ur name is too long but u seem to have a point
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Anonymous12(3): Im actually Anon10 to 12 those other guys are just fan crazy for Lucario!
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Anonymous13: what if lucario doesn't have a penis or vago?
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Anonymous14: Everybody just shut the fuck up! Porn is porn, so keep your ideas to yourself and just fap! You guys are worse than the furries on Fchan, I swear!
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Lucario353: Finally a picture of lucario being the sucker and not the sucked
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ass_fan: x-ray this!
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ShagsterP: Or you could just read the artist's image description over on his site:

"Normally this is where I do a lengthy and wordy description of the image - but you guys seem to like this guy so I figured - why not."

Sorry, straighties. The dream is dead.
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Anonymous15: @Okay WROOONG!
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Lucario353: : …………………………………………………………..,-~~--,¸
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Snickers: If only this was part of a flash
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Pointing_Out_Why_You_Suck: @ShagsterP:
Finally, some irrefutable proof.
Right, well then, I can no longer fap to this. Seeya.
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anon0: seconded on flash

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Anonymous16: anon 14 is right shut up and enjoy the porn comment space is to comment on immage, not randome BS thoughts, btw nice detail in pix
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Anonymous17: he/she was praying to his/her god
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Anonymous18: who cares if its male or female either way it works well in the situation
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MolesterOfPokemans: Yes, how does that surprise you?
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Anonymous20: POWYS:
Wow, grow a fucking imagination, retard.


If theres no visible male or female genitalia, then come up with the gender yourself.
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Anonymous21: Damn, that's the most beautiful thing I've seen all day.
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Anonymous22(21): Who cares if it's a girl or a guy?

Bisexuality FTW.
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Anonymous23: Anon23, I love you.
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Anonymous24: u guys are unbelievable u dont need research or anything else make it wat u like guy, girl, both who cares fap to ur favs!
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Anonymous25: Childish arguments.... Fap or gtfo :P Problem solved..
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Anonymous26(25): annon 1 its not gotta suck them all its gotta suck em' all lol :P
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Anonymous27: I second Anon26's statement. Anyway, just because its got no dick yet you think its male still doesn't mean you should go ape over others trying to disprove your opinion. Everyone can just imagine what they want to about this picture (Which, btw is hawt). In the end, we're all furrys here, people. :3
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Anonymous28: I thought darknekogami was bi... I don't like his stuff so much anyway.
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Anonymous29: i third anon26's statement i mean if u say u fapped to this wtfc-who the fuck cares keep it to ur self fap or gtfo just leave and i bet all u guy are kids or teens or adults who faped to this me no fapping just read the comments
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Anonymous30(29): ur parrents walk in on u fapping, finnish like a boss. lolz XP

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