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TagsDonatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles, featured_image
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Chai-Xianghua: *LOL* Penis vore!
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Enerccio: oh god, the japanese puns are awesome
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anomalous: ^ Please translate.
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Anonymous1: HOLY EPIC.
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Selene: TMNC.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Teenage mutant phimosis turtles!
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lukechucky: Heros in a man shell. What a couple of dick heads!
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evilpika: Donatello is being strangle by foreskin. This is awesome.
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Titanium: Feature!

Each is a pun on their names
Leonardo: Re! Onarudo~! (Re! How's fapping?)
Raphael: Mugugugu! Rafa, Ero! (*cackle* Rafa pervert!)
Donatello: Boku Donate... dou natteru? (I am Donate... what's happening?)
Michelangelo: Boku Mukeranjero! Kawabunga! (I'm peel back ranjero! Skin/Sheath-bunga!)

The last one is all word play. Peel away (as in foreskin). Also, "kawa" can mean skin, sheath, wrapping, etc.
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Titanium: Anyone else reminded of South Park? Michelangelo reminds me of Kenny...
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Anonymous2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Heroes in a half shell,
Turtle Power!
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Anonymous3: This is proof that, all thing considered, there's perverse asshole in Japan as well as over here.
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Penelope: Ahaha, now that you mention it, Titanium, I definitely see South Park XD

Love the puns!
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Gackt: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half-skin
Penis power!

They're the world's most fearsome hard on team (We're really hip!)
They're heroes in a half-skin and they're heads are green (Hey - get a grip!)
When the evil Shredder attacks
These Turtle boys will shrink in size!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Splinter taught them to be stiff for April(He's a radical cunt!)
Leonardo leads, Donatello choke his chicken (That's a fact, Jack!)
Raphael is cool, but shy (Gimme a break!)
Michaelangelo is a party dude (Mmmgghh!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half skin
Penis power!
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Anonymous4: Peen-age Mutant etc.
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no more turtles songs!

also I agree with titanium about the south park thing.

this pic is canon to the multiverse turtles movie "Turtles Forever" (it's a real movie, the fifth one, they just released it recently, and I DEMAND MORE MULTIVERSE TURTLES PORN DAMNIT!! SON I AM DISAPPOINT!!)
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Anonymous5: Songs are unnecessary. This picture speaks a thousand words. Like "WAT"
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Anonymous6: What a bunch of dickheads.
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IsNotAnon: Selene: Oh I so see what you did there.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Crack.
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Titanium: Today is International AIDS Day

There is strong evidence that male circumcision helps prevent the contraction of HIV in heterosexual sex (about 50% reduction in infection rate).

Let the cut/uncut bitchery begin.
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I know this because Penn and Teller said so on Bullshit. <_<
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Anonymous7(6): Sooo... Why do American parents think it's good for yer kid to get their cock sliced? Is it some kind of jewish/muskim ripoff? I don't get it.
Why don't you circumsize clits, or whatever those crazy arabs do?
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Titanium: Anon7 - Some African tribes practice female genital cutting (ranging from pricking to infibulation). There is a difference there.

Cliff Edge - I trust peer-review scholarly articles more than Penn and Teller. :3
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Eater_of_Sandviches: Ah, cut vs. uncut.

The most pointless yet somehow rage-inspiring net argument of all time.
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Anonymous8: Male circumcision is irrelevant if you a) don't fuck AIDS victims (and people should be getting tested anyway, so you SHOULD know) and b) use a bloody rubber.
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Anonymous9(6): How does male circumcision and AIDS have any link in any way? Are you saying the penis helmet gives you protection against AIDS?
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Anonymous10(8): Eater of Sandviches: Sexual pleasure is srs business.
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Anonymous11(6): I am anon 9: Oh shit, I just read what Tit said.

Sorry about that.
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Anonymous12: Clit circumcision=removing sexual sensation of it.

Male circumcision (medical, non religious)=removing foreskin, a vestigial organ to help remove the places bacteria can grow.
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jackrabbit: "This is proof that, all thing considered, there's perverse asshole in Japan as well as over here."

Just one?
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DarkMage20: Still referred to as "genital mutilation" for both sexes.
Men usually just have their foreskin cut.
Women can have their clit hood removed (1st level), the hood and clit removed (2nd level) or the hood, clit, labia minora, and labia majora all scrapped off (yes, scrapped).
And all without concent or anesthetic.
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Anonymous13(8): Anon12: the foreskin covers the cockhead, thus keeping it sensitive. when it rubs against things like underwear all the time it becomes less so.
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Anonymous15: @anon12. Bacteria can also grow under your pits, int between your toes, and in your ass crack. You take a shower every so often? You're good. The penis is the same way. I suppose if your to lazy to peel and rinse, you could just cut part of you dick off. But that's the easy way out, you bitch.
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jackrabbit: "There is strong evidence that male circumcision helps prevent the contraction of HIV in heterosexual sex (about 50% reduction in infection rate)."

Which is pretty poor when you are talking about life and death.

There is strong evidence that condoms reduce the infection rate far more. So what difference does circumcision make, if everything is covered anyway?

If your partner is not trustworthy, you are fucked no matter what if you don't wear a condom. Circumcision is unlikely to save you.
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Anonymous16: circuncion and uncut skin have pros and cons
circuncion pros: you don´t need to peel or wash to remove your germs
cons: your penis sensitivity is 50% less than a uncut skin
uncuting skin:
pros: more sensitivity than a cut skin
cons: more posibilities to have germs

thats what i know, if someone knows more of this please post
btw lulzy picture
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Anonymous17(16): btw some post a guy or woman with aids due to this day
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Anonymous18: Circumfags just try really hard to justify that their parents mutilated their dicks when they were children.

Arguing with circumcised people is like arguing with creationists.
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Anonymous19: Mmmgghh!Gackt summerizes whole thread in advance
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G: The whole argument is pretty pointless. Each person will choose I side based on their package and not on real evidence. No one wants to believe they got jipped, cut or uncut. No one wants to feel like they have they've gotten the lesser of two parts. Especially when it comes down to the most sacred of parts.
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jackrabbit: True, it is pointless. I just get annoyed when people who are cut go on and on about how "clean" they are. It doesn't fucking matter if you wash the goddamn thing.
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Pyroanon: Anon18 is correct, for the most part. I'm circumsied and I rather wish I wasn't. But, that's just me.
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Anonymous20: Everyone has aids.
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Anonymous21: Anon12, clearly it isn't the EXACT same when arguing with uncut people.
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Anonymous22: Ahhh. What men have been fighing over for ages... the size of there frickin penis! I mean seriously! Does size really matter if you're still getting laid? Does size really matter when your dead? no. But seriously, who would cut there dick off? Thats just creepy... Oh, one more thing, why the hell are you looking at turtle porn!? seriously? Are you going to fuck a turtle any time soon? If you are you should be shot. If you aren't and you're going to make it into soup, good choice.
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Anonymous23: Female point of view from me, I'll side with the uncircumsized crowd. Kinda disturbing to look at a person's cock and think that when they were a baby someone figured it was a good idea to take a knife to it.
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jackrabbit: Anon21, what in the fuck are you talking about? The argument is about circumcision, not dick size.
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Titanium: Lol bold letters to make people read me post.

I disagree that this is pointless. The evidence for HIV protection is most relavent in Africa where the epidemic is most serious. There is huge cultural stigma against using condoms, but little against circumcision.

Also, the term "genital mutilation" is a but inflamatory. The neutral term is "genital cutting".

In general, when talking about circumcision and AIDS, the discussion is focused on Africa. There is no push in Europe or the US to use circumcison on men as a prophylactic.

For the record, I am mostly against circumcision. I am currently doing a literature review on the issue of AIDS in Africa and male circumcision for class.
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Anonymous24(22): When ur cutting off ur dick doesn't it get smaller? hmm? Well then! How in the fuck do you fap at turtles? I mean seriously! They are are fricking amphibians! And again, why would some one cut off their dick? It just not manly. Oh right, we're talking about fapping. hmm... why fap at porn? What you can't get LAID? hmm? Well, then again I can't sooo... Oh well. If you can't get LAID, your on some porn site. And if you can get LAID then your either a) cheating on your wife, b) cheating on your girl/boy friend, or c) YOU CAN'T GET LAID! hahahahahaha!
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Anonymous25: kinda sounds like Anon21 has a small weiner and is overcompensating
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Anonymous26(22): (anon 21) tell me, can you get LAID anon24? (I also posted anon23)
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Titanium: Anon 23 - do you know what a foreskin is?

For those of you who want to read the studies behind this, check out the following:

Auvert et al. (2005) [The Orange Farm paper]
Bailey et al. (2007)
Sawires et al. (2007)
Auvert et al. (2001)
Quigley et al. (2001)
Bailey et al. (2001)
Halperin et al. (1999)
Moses et al. (1998)
USAID/AIDSMark (2003)
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Anonymous27(22): Why cut off your child's dick? You want to lower his self esteem even more?
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Amarao: Mods are circum-fetish fags for making this the pic of the international AIDS day.
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Titanium: Anon 21 23, 25, and 26 - quit trolling.

PS - the majority of African countries that do practice male circumcision do it as a rite of passage into adulthood.
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Anonymous28(22): yes I do Titanium. seriously doesn't that hurt? anon24 LIKES d.i.b. and p.o.p.! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Anonymous29(25): of course i can get laid anon 21, i live next to a turtle sanctuary
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Titanium: Anon 27 - You are not removing any of the shaft of head of the penis. You are removing the foreskin of the penis. It doesn't make it shorter nor does it prevent someone from having sex. And yes, with out anesthetics it would hurt.
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Zollith: @Amarao: if it gets amusing enough mass reactions like this, then power to them I say.
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anon0: cut or gtfo I always say
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Anonymous30(22): so anon28 likes the following
1)dick in butt
2)penis on penis
3) and having sex with turtles?

Oh and I am against circumulation!
Its just not right. I don't care who you are, its just not right...*shudders*
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Krawczyk: I concur desumilk. Big, small, cut, uncut.
It doesn't matter.
Because the attractive and successful Africans are gonna give all of us Aids one day regardless.
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If you'd like to help the fight against AIDS there is one thing you can do that will help more than anything else.
Overturn a schoolbus!
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Anonymous31(22): What hell just happend?
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Anonymous32(22): I'm talking about your mom!
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Anonymous34(6): Tit said:
>I am currently doing a literature review on the issue of AIDS in Africa and male circumcision for class.
What the hell is your job?
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Anonymous35: I heard that Titanium died from circumcision.
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Anonymous36(22): You know, AIDS doesn't kill you. Its the reason you die but, actually it destroys your immune system and then some other sickness kills you. So basicly its the accomplus. And sex isn't the only way you can get AIDS. For example: If you touch AIDS infected blood with an open wound, you'll get infected. So circumilation doesn't make much of a differance.
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Anonymous37: I find it really disturbing how in this day an age, a supposed civilised "western" country like North America is still ritually mutilating children. You people really need to stop for a moment and think about what you're doing, a child's body is sacred - please stop this.
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Anonymous38(22): in my last post(anon35) i meant circumcision
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Anonymous40(22): In penis vore were does the prey go?
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Titanium: Anon 21 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, and 39 - Read before you speak. Also, samefag lol
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Anonymous41(22): AIDS?
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Anonymous42: AIDS.
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Anonymous43(22): Huh... tell me anon35, why?
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Anonymous44(22): Do you hate me cause I'm BLACK?

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Anonymous45(22): your black?
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IsNotAnon: Titanium, why do you even try, huh?

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Anonymous46: What did the one testicle say to the other testicle?
"The guy in the middle is a real dick."
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General_Vagueness: as if talking to people on here will do anything about AIDS
also anon 36, how have you not realized yet that to most Americans nothing is sacred?
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I was joking btw D: PS: Im chivalry
no that's a joke too im just a random anon
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Anonymous49: circumcision cuts sexual pleasure by 30%
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Anonymous50: I wish there was a Gonokakakhackus Day...
"Why does it hurt when I peeeeee?"
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oceanofsperm: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
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Anonymous51: I think at some point people just have to respect religious beliefs at least a little.

Throwing around shit like "circumutilation" just makes you look like a retard.
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Anonymous52(4): Today is International AIDS Day!

Even today, in the 21st century, hentai censorship still exists, a practice which is thoroughly primitive and unnecessarily the viewer.

Together, we can stop the spread of genital pixellation! Stand up and proclaim the right to unblocked boxes and!

::sings a rousing chorus of "We Shall Be Unblurred Someday"::
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Anonymous53: should we all go and get aids???
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evilpika: Really, I'm just surprised that International AIDS Day didn't get a POOL'S CLOSED feature.
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Anonymous54: no :<
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Anonymous55: Anon49, ofcourse we need to respect religions that encourages parents to slice in their kids.

Circumcision to prevent bacteria to build makes as much sense as to pull off all your finger- and toenails as a prevention to bacteria growing behind them. Let it be up to the individual to decide either to mutilate his or her body or not, if there's no grave medical concerns before that, but for parents to disrespect their offsprings body is just completely disgusting.

Insisting that mutilation would magically reduce the chance of getting STDs is hilarous. Since in the statistics it's all about who is with who, not who has the sliced cock or not.

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samus: true Circumcision is so pose to cat the std's down
but it hurts the male when its done also the female is the real one to be hurt it take away a lot of her pressure and cuts sex shorter and also messes the inside of the vagina up
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Anonymous56: im 12 and what is this?
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Anonymous57: you're 12, and no one gives a shit
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Anonymous58: just to be clear, i'm a femanon and I would NEVER fuck a man with an uncut cock. they're disgusting. so go ahead, uncutfags, brag about more sexual pleasure all you want. it doesn't help if you're not getting laid.
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bladearts: I wish I could've gotten a circumcision, tight foreskin is tight.
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Anonymous59: so just wondering this must be a European site cause only fag Euros call the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Teenage Mut ant Hero Turtles" bunch of Euro fags
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appealus: @evilpika: Rule 62, evil. Rule 62.
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Anonymous60: Circumcision is a cultural thing. Obviously women in countries where circumcision is not the norm would have no problems with an uncircumcised penis. If you've only seen cut/uncut cocks, and you see an uncut/cut cock, you may think the newer one is weird, disgusting, etc.
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Anonymous61(56): Who let you out of the kitchen Anon57?
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Titanium: Anon54 - perhaps you should read the medical literature. There is a pretty clear link. I listed some above for you.
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nnmsRs: Uncut dicks look ugly as hell. The moar u know.
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Biohazard724: The AIDS epidemic in Africa isnt high because they are uncircumcized, its because the militias in the countries with civil wars are raping women and girls like they're training for the olympics.
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Amarao: @Zollith True. If it makes so many people speak up against dick chopping, then I'm sure it was worth it.
Also to the handful of pro-clippers in here, enjoy having to take viagra from your early 40 onwards when the feeling in your dick starts to diminish. Nah, you never needed that extra nerveendings, of course you didn't.
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anon0: I'm cut so sucks to be you if you're not.

titanium, did you actually just re-feature this?
this is the first time I've EVER seen anything re-featured....
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notanonymous: AIDS Day?

Well, this pic is pretty full of it, so I guess it counts
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Anonymous62: When I was high at my friends house he showed me his dick and the doctor fucked up his circumcision, so now it looks like he has a mini foreskin. I laughed at him, 2 years later he killed himself.
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IsNotAnon: Titanium, just stop trying. xD
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Anamenous: <b>Everyone posting comments here is wrong. Nobody is right. Suck it.</b>
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Anonymous65(6): Johnny_Nitro:
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Almost Ideal Demand System
American Institute for Decision Sciences
Aircraft Integrated Data System
Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service
Acquired Iatrogenic Death Syndrome
Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome
Airborne Integrated Data System
As If Doing Something
As I Die Slowly
Apple Infected Disk Syndrome
Aircraft Integrated Data Systems
Acoustic Intelligence Data System
Army Inventory of Data Systems
Advanced Integrated Display System
Airline-Induced Divorce Syndrome (pilot and flight attendant disease; slang)
Administrative Information Data System
Advanced Integrated Data System
Automated Information Data System
Avionics Integrated Development Schedule
Automated Intelligence Data System
Activity Information Data System
Abstinence Is Definitely Smart
Automatic Integrated Debugging System
Automated Information Distribution System
Air Force Intelligence Data System
Analog Inclination Data System
Acoustic/Attitudinal Information Data
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Anonymous66: @Titanium: <b>I. WOULD. RATHER. DIE. OF. AIDS.</b>
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Anonymous67(66): fuck I fail at writing in bold well then.
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Anonymous68: All of this is pointless because no one is going to go get a medical procedure done based on something they read on a porn site comment page
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EDGE: You never know.....
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Anonymous69: Circumcision is fine if you choose to have it done to yourself. Its your body, so go ahead. Fuck, people have hammered nails through their genitals for the lulz, its not that extreme!

If you have it done because someone else chose it for you, without a valid medical reason, then it is mutilation (If your going to die of foreskin cancer or something, by all means get the chop ffs, youll live longer)

For the record, if anyone comes anywhere near my cock with a sharp implement, I'll kill them. Repeatedly.
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Anonymous70: Jesus I need to stop lookin at porn. I'm a goddam catholic. I'm goin to hell. Anyone know how I can get off porn?
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Anonymous71: Lol anon 67 is totaly right!! by the way I m against penis mutilation. Save the penis! or they will be an endangered species.
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anon0: anon63, stfu. there's nothing wrong with being a jew.

if he is. I'm not saying he is.

anyway I'm cut and there's nothing jew about me, so fuck off anyone who says that one equals the other
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Anonymous72(22): to plytiger: Monkeys don't give you AIDS, it gives you the Ebola virus! Turns you into a zombie!
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MuchKoku: Whether you're for cut or not, I think we can all agree that having a penis is AWESOME and we should just leave it at that.
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Anonymous73: Pool's closed...

The uncut/cut issue

I am not about to go into that troll's den. But I will say this: Hard to sow amputated limb back on, sensei.

Meaning: Cutfags, stfu. Congrats. You have a cleaner dick. Whoopidee fucking doo.

Uncutfags, also, stfu. You have a whole penis. Yay. Stop making it seem like God's gift to women. If you want to join the other side, go ahead.

I'm sixteen years old, male, fucked a senior (hate to use the cliche, but shit was SO cash),can perform auto-fellatio, uncut.
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Anonymous74(16): @titanium
you were right
there is a cut vs uncut discution but it´s just people opinion and religions
btw titanium for what class was the africa aids project?
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Anonymous75(16): anon 73 here
i agree with you anon 72 this tread was so fucking long
btw plytiger those pictures are great
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EDGE: What did the leper say to the prostitute?
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EDGE: Keep the tip.
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Anonymous76: i cant believe your having this debate on rule34 UFAIL
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Anonymous77(76): EDGE = Zombie Prostitute
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Anonymous78(22): How can people talk about AIDS and whether or not to cut their dick for so long? I mean seriously, do you have no life? Just go to a different page and just fap the night away!
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EDGE: I got your Zombie Prostitute swinging Anon76.
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Anonymous79(22): Zombie Prostitute=cut dick
LOL anon 76!
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EDGE: ^ It's more than enough to choke you to your death.
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Anonymous80(22): anon69, you do realise your anon number is a form of sex. Oh and look at your grandma naked, that'll get you off of porn. LOL!!!!!
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Rule34d: YEAH! MY DICK!!
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Anonymous81(22): EDGE! hi.
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Anonymous82(22): Guess who's back to annoy the hell out of you fuckers? Ah, I have no idea. So how does cutting your dick bring you to manhood? Doesn't it do the opposite?
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EDGE: ^ A hemorrhoid that needs some preparation H?
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EDGE: ^ A very bad case of the crabs that causes painful itching ang swelling?
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ZeroXDash: Teenage Mutant Uncircumcised Turtles
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EDGE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turdles.
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EDGE: Anon81, Like a sever case of dandruff that needs medical attention?
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Anonymous84: Your All Idiots^^^^
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Anonymous85: Can we get the tag fixed so it reads the correct title instead of the British Bastardized one?
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Anonymous86: I prefer pussy anyway...
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Anonymous87(22): I'm with anon85
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IsNotAnon: <b> Midoinitrite? </b>
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IsNotAnon: NOW midoinitrite?
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IsNotAnon: I DID IT RIGHT1!1!!!!!11E

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IsNotAnon: I'm so smart. I'm higher than any anon.
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Capitan_Obvious: Do monkeys really fuck footballs?
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LadyStardust: I loled. :3
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Capitan_Obvious: All to glad to amuse you.
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Anonymous88: retard and a doorknob!
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Capitan_Obvious: You must be talking about yourself again.
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Neveraway: IIt never ceases to amaze me how ironic my life is.

I might have participated on the circumcision debate if I were not already busy doing my own paper. I have to read 3 books, totaling more than 700 page of statistically based information, scrutinizing methods that I essentially just learned about five minutes ago. This is about my 15th hour put into the paper, so I really am tired of all that stuff.

Anyway, I never actually considered circumcision an issue that was debated. Mainly because an extremely tiny flap of skin at the tip of the penis seems like something of insignificance, being more culturally focused than on practicality. Now, I've never done any formal research on the matter, but from my basic understanding of history and biology I would assume this is how things went:

Back when personal hygiene wasn't a big deal, preventing infections at the end of the penis would be a much bigger deal. After all, soaps and clean flowing water weren't always in supply, and people didn't bathe regularly. But, as modern conveniences have flooded western society, this need decreased greatly.

A very quick, informal search basically posts up a few miscellaneous facts and figures that really don't speak about whether or not you should get a circumcision, for they don't provide any substantial evidence that is supportable outside of their methodological paradigm. For instance, saying that the issues prevent by circumcision are rare commit the error of excluding the exception by assuming that frequency is a key indicator of a preventive measure. But this isn't an effective philosophy, for it discounts the reality of a situation and ignores that probability means nothing to the individual. Frequency isn't a determinant of right, or else we wouldn't have as many vaccinations as we do now.

Of course, this can go both ways, since the frequency of an error occurring during circumcision is supposedly counter-acted equally by the benefits of the circumcision, so what it really comes down to is the practicality of the remaining scenarios, and the projected future outcomes of varying circumstances. For example, if removing the foreskin really does stop HIV from being transmitted 60% of the time, then we can juxtapose that with the fact that a large number of men are getting vasectomies in their early 20's, and this will contribute to the spread of HIV in that demographic. We can also compare this to the advancement of medical technology, which continually decreases the frequency of errors by developing better technology. Ironically this is actually a criticism of socialized health care, since cost-effective policies discriminate against perfecting new treatments. However I digress.

All in all, I would say that I really don't care. Were I to have a child (an unlikely event but we can dream), I would get him circumcised simply because I have no knowledge on how to care for an uncircumcised penis.

Then again, I'm not a very informed opinion.
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Anonymous89: your deep, informative, intellectual, talk boors me me Neveraway...
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CrawlingChaos: LOL, I just scrolled through this whole wall of text, but I stop to laugh at yours Neveraway.
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Neveraway: Then don't read it.
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Anonymous90(66): wow, that's just too much text to read.
I would like to know what's in it, so I may contradict you if you are wrong, but sorry, it's just too long.


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Amarao: @Neveraway
What Anon88 and CrawlingChaos said.
Seriously dude your fancy tl;dr. article only tells me two things. a) you're cut and b) scared to know the truth.

That tiny flap how you call it is actually 15 square inches big, it accounts for half the skin on your genitals and hosts 60% of it's nerve endings. Also you're missing the main point: "That whether or not to undergo a penis reduction surgery is nothing another person should be allowed to decide for you!"

As for caring for an uncut dick. There is nothing to care for! The foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty, so you just wipe it like any other part, no extra attention needed. It's nothing compared to what shit you have to go through with a cut toddler. Not only because his dick is one large open wound that he's constantly shitting on and because the foreskinstumb is trying to heal together with the glans again from which it was ripped and clipped, but also the fun stuff he can get in the aftermath like "meatalstenosis" to just name one. And even tho that's a condition that's completely unheard of in unclipped males, it's not listed as a circ complication. Maybe because it's happening so frequently that it would force people to start using their brains.

Also that African study was so flawed in any possible way that the data is pretty much completely useless. Might be one of the reasons that this shit never made the news outside of the US and Israel.
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anomalous: What a pointless argument this has become.
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Anonymous91(66): the foreskin is there for a reason, don't fuck with it!
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deemedfappable: anon 91 is an attractive and successful African
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Anonymous92: ):
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tacgnol_si_gnoooooool: anon 92 will deem deemedfappable unfappable
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Anonymous93(92): have you ever seen an uncut black dude before
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Anonymous94(66): ^ do not want to hear stories about attractive and successful African cocks. just no.
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Anonymous95: International Aids Day:
lets celebrate Aids for it helps kill off so many worthless homosexuals
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Anonymous96: attractive and successful Africans givin meh aids
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Anonymous97: SCROLL UP! G won this argument long ago. None of you idiots chose to be cut/uncut. If you were cut it was when you were a baby, a decision by your parents, not you. Uncuts' parents chose differently and they don't want to be cut now and I don't blame them. Everyone just wants to claim some kind of superiority so they can feel cool or get a hard on or whatever. Circumsission makes no difference to sexual pleasure or hygiene. Everybody just STFUAJM.
Happy AIDS day, morons.
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Anonymous98: lol i shit brix when pic downloaded completely.
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Anonymous99(18): I wish I were one of those cool kids who could write in bold
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Anonymous100(18): italics
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Anonymous101(16): finally anon 100 here
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Anonymous102(16): billy mays here
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Anonymous103: ^well then
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Anonymous104: lmfao about people talking about dingalings
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Anonymous105(22): its uncut:1,000,000,000,000 to cut:-9999999999999999999999

Oh and anon96, thats what I was trying to say when I was anon21! You are my HERO! And the rest of you all are gay fags that can't get LAID! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-ghk-hak-gag-faint...

BYE! (and I can get LAID anytime I want you fuckers! HA!)
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Anonymous106: OK, could you imagine if your penis was 50% more sensitive? youd last a few strokes before blowing your load, doesnt sound very fun for your girl :P
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Anonymous107(66): [B]ANYWAY AS A CONCLUSION[/B]




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Titanium: no
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Biohazard724: bugger. i fail at crap like that anyway, im off to fap.
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Neveraway: I'm amazed that my ramblings actually got more of a response than "shut up and fap!", considering that I disclosed twice that I never really researched the subject. It goes to show that if you at least sound smart, someone will dedicate themselves to arguing with you. Anyway, I'm pretty much done with my report so now I have free time ;D

So I poked around about 20 peer-reviewed articles and I have this to conclude:

#1: A less sensitive penis is not a detriment.
#2: The size of the foreskin is irrelevant, especially regarding coitus.
#3: Having the foreskin cut during a time where you won't remember it is preferable to the conscious decision. The "right to decide" is a dead end since I can simply assert that parents have the right over their child, and I can be fully honest and correct in doing so.
#4: A toddler's circumcision is not an open bleeding wound. Rather the skin of a child's penis is capable of closing the would effectively and quickly, needing only small amounts of care after the circumcision
#5: Meatal stenosis is not unique to circumcised boys, nor is it really a problem. The constricting of a urinary tract has varying degrees of severity, and often times a diagnosis of meatal stenosis provides no further medical complications.
#6: After reading several different reports on the effects of female to male transmission of HIV, I have to agree with what all of the statistics say. Of course, that isn't the only STD that circumcisions aid in.

I have to ask: What truth? What exactly have I missed?

And not in response to someone:

#7: The studies about increased/decreased in sexual performance found no direct link to circumcisions (note, sources do conflict). Some say it was better, some say it was worse.
#8: The subjectivity about the ideally representative status of the penis on the sociological context leads to this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in short.
#9: A painfully large amount of studies regarding the medical effects of circumcisions are inconclusive or claim neutrality. So much for a magic bullet.
#10: The medical side really isn't an issue, since it's more about cultures and sociology. Those, of course, are really the subject of whim and opinion.
#11: I still think that, as an issue, male circumcision isn't really that big of a deal.
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Anonymous108(66): ^ circumcised failfag/failtroll who is sore about it

I mean "The 'right to decide' is a dead". Your head is so full up your ass, I bet you can see into your throat.

ADVICE: Finish the job your parents started. Give me your address, and I'll send you an axe in bubblewrap.
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Amarao: @neveraway
Actually I find it more interesting what you didn't try to disprove of my previous comment then what you actually did.
The fact that the foreskin isn't a tiny flap, but actually most of the skin that's covering your dick. The fact that a large amount of nerve endings is lost. The fact that the US uses more viagra than other countries.

Actually #5 is somewhat tricky. You see, meatal stenois happens when scartissue builds up around the peehole and starts to narrow it. Improper care for an uncut newborn (and improper means ripping the foreskin of his glans to scrub imaginary bacterias away) can over time scar the peehole and create the same problems. So let me then rephrase it: "It's an condition that’s unheard of in Europe and Asia, and anywhere else where people know the basics of bringing up a healthy intact child!"

Well and on #3 I can just agree with Anon107.
A child is the property of their parents?
So you believe a baby is like a human pet?
Fuck no, it's a human being and on top of that one in the most helpless state imaginable. Parents do have to make decisions for their child that's true. But an irreversible operation that like you said also has no real medical significants (or none that wouldn't be grossly overshadowed by the use of a condom), do you really think THAT's something a parent needs to decide on for their child?

And now about the truth.
The truth is children aren't the property of their parents and this also includes guys like you. The truth is that you only want to down play and not research this because you too would have liked that decision to be in your hand. Or more like you simply don't want to think about this all together.
Sure you can say now "I got better things on my mind then my dick" but my answer would be "What could be better than that?". A guy’s dick is one of the things most dear to every man, but when it comes to circumcision everyone acts like it's so unnatural to waste any thought on it. People will swallow the most dangerous pseudo-medical drugs, use pumps that can make their blood vessels burst or apply creams with tons of side effects, just to get a bit more out of their junk, but they don't care that they were robbed of half of their dick skin right after birth? Like hell I'm gonna buy that!

Look, your parents had no ill intents and simply didn't know it any better when you were born, but whether or not to get you cut, that decision should have only been made by one person.
And by ignoring that fact you too will eventually repeat your parent's mistake (if you'd end up having a child that is), you'd assume that it's your right do decide for your son and the vicious circle will go on and on forever. And you're not alone with that, about half the fathers in the US think that way: "I don't wanna know about it. Let the doc chop it off, I pretend it was never there in the first place".

The truth is that ignorance is bliss. But at the same time that ignorance aids an injustice committed against men everyday. And as a man myself I simply can't understand how people can keep so quite about it, or even try to turn it into a laughing matter.
Nothing can make, putting a knife to a man's penis merely hours after he found out how to breath, just.
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Anonymous109(16): @amarao
also anon 104 gets laid (with men)
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FireRaider: man, i'd be pissed if somebody mongled up my cock with a knife when i was young. I'd be VERY pissed.
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Anonymous110: OK to all of you, do you know how a circumcision is performed? I guess I must tell you.

First the baby is taken from the mother after she just gives birth, which is traumatic for both the mother and the baby. She signs the concent forms which 90% of the time is not discussed in detail, just a "do you want to circumcise your baby? it will be quick" and often times is in the admit forms for the delivery room.

The baby is brought to a operating room, where people enter or are waiting. He is strapped down on a special table to make sure he doesnt get hurt (ironic isnt it). His penis is checked for irregularities, and if none are found they start.

The first thing the surgeons do is slide a blunt probe into the opening of the foreskin, because the foreskin and the head are connected with the same material that keeps your fingernail attached to your finger (so its like sliding a piece of metal under your fingernail, but much more sensitive). After the adhesions are torn apart, the doctor slits the foreskin down to place the clamp under (the method im explaining is the GomCo Clamp, which is between 60%-80% of circumcisions and everything before this is the same for all infant circumcisions).

The doctor then slides the metal clamp under the foreskin and pulls the slit parts of the foreskin up and tightens part of the clamp that will hold the foreskin. The doctor then uses a knife to cut off the trapped foreskin and removes the clamp, all of this 90% of the time without anesthetic.

The baby is then returned to his mother, after screaming so much he looks asleep (but is accually in an infant form of shock) and the mother trys to confort him but doesnt know why he wont respond.

Now you see why circumcision is horrible. I never saw such a horrible act in my life until after well, I saw it at the hospital before my own son was born. Now you see why I will never circumcise my children.
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Anonymous111: lol wtf
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Anonymous112: cheese
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Anonymous113: tl;dr pointless debate
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Anonymous114: You want to know what is worse than being circumsised. Being a eunuch
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