Anonymous1: the big daemon-mech hybrid is called a Defiler, that looks like a Dreadnaught to her right and a Daemonette on her back and some Chaos Marines in the background
Anonymous3: This is more like a Soul Grinder. SGs are Warp-fusions of huge-ass Chaos daemon torsos with lower mechanical limbs. Still, the pic's date reads 2007, long before the Chaos Daemons Codex came out, so I'll cut the gamegeekery and agree to the Defiler tag.
Nevertheless, this would make one helluva conversion for Apocalypse...the Slaaneshi Sex Slayer? Twin-linked mega-Blastmasters, the Hermaphrocannon, carries a squad of Daemonettes...
Nevertheless, this would make one helluva conversion for Apocalypse...the Slaaneshi Sex Slayer? Twin-linked mega-Blastmasters, the Hermaphrocannon, carries a squad of Daemonettes...
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I am so gonna make this