Shiyru: No, they aren't. But since the original character is in the picture, it is allowed. I think the artists are slipping their fan characters in just to be on 34...
Anonymous5: The pose is impossible. How can he stick his penis into her vagina like that? Too straight pointing upwards. According to his legs on the bottom, he must have a incredible long torso. I don't know if this is a feature, but only three fingers on the hand? Either way, Nancher proves that he doesn't even bother with hands or feet. He hid everything else like in most images by him. The closed eyes on the male look awkward. Nancher didn't bother with features and just drew open eyes without pupils and painted it in his furcolor. Both heads look very featureless. Nipple do not look like this and the coloration there looks off. Her vagina is more similar to a wide open cut than a well formed vulva. Way too big anyway. Blaz's torso is slightly longer than her lovers and still too long. The thick legs look too off compared to the arms and style. The light source makes no sense. The light comes from the right according to Blaze's head, three of her feathers, her left leg, her breasts, that guys penis and his hair. Everything else says the light source comes from the left side of the picture. Shadows are inconsistent in general. Coloration too technical. Bed almost doesn't look like one.
Ross_Irving: gman: What? Aw, shit. Someone beat me to it. Oh well, I'm not knowledgeable enough to have pointed things out like the vulva and it being too big. One thing I will point out, though. What is with Nancher this year and overemphasizing warm and cool shadows on his characters? It's like artistic freezer-burn.
Anonymous7: Ross: The disco coloration? He trys to make his work look amazing. Nancher = The more light, the better! Sad that this is way better than his palcomix vip images. You pay for that shit.
Anonymous9: Ross : You speak the truth, plus, I got to knew the guy who made the fan character thats fucking Blaze, it's a real douche nevertheless ( But it's fan character and it's backstory name made me LOL )
Man that pose don't make any sense at all...
Anonymous10: Noticed that the RougexBrock picture is gone? Bet the Nancher got butthurt over the critique and asked the mods to remove it. Did someone make screenshots?
This is a new low for Nancher. A perfect example of his inconsistency and lazy work. My friend told me that it is Nancher's newest work and that it was a commission. Someone paid money for this abomination.
Shading less annoying and better light source than the previous, but still merely random. The face is just ugly. Huge chin, deformed head and eyes that are way too big, even for Rouge. That grin is simply retarded. Rouge's left ear is smaller than the other and the breasts have each a different form. Her Vagina is even more featureless than Blaze's and similar to a tumor. No fingers on Rouge like in most of Nancher's images. Right arm looks broken. Her lover shouldn't grab it. Also, her right wing goes through his arm.
His face is crooked and retarded. Head way too big. Small shoulder on his left side and a long arm on the right. Just look where it joints into the elbow. Penis too straight pointing up, just like the previous image with Blaze.
Nancher did not change, but I just saw what he got here on 34paheal and 4chan. When this is his newest, a paid image and even worse than what I have and haven't seen yet, then I call fraud on this. I don't know what was paid, but this shit is only $5 worth.
Anonymous12: jejeje asta que por fin encuentro tu lado oscuro de tus galerias,que crees ya tengo muchas evidencias le la pornografia oculta que hace en DA
Anonymous13(12): perdona ubo un error,que te estaba diciendo asi,por fin se mas sobre de ti,te gusta hacer pornografia tus galerias y usas la tecnica de cambiar la forma de estilo,para que los admins de cual quiera pagina,que no se den cuenta la pornografia que haces,para que te viciten muchos usuarios,eso esta mal y lo peor lo subes en deviant art.
que crees ya estas reportado en Deviant art y seras baneado,asi que ahora si preocupate.
- Reply
Long story short, nobody likes Nancher.
Man that pose don't make any sense at all...
This is a new low for Nancher. A perfect example of his inconsistency and lazy work. My friend told me that it is Nancher's newest work and that it was a commission. Someone paid money for this abomination.
Shading less annoying and better light source than the previous, but still merely random. The face is just ugly. Huge chin, deformed head and eyes that are way too big, even for Rouge. That grin is simply retarded. Rouge's left ear is smaller than the other and the breasts have each a different form. Her Vagina is even more featureless than Blaze's and similar to a tumor. No fingers on Rouge like in most of Nancher's images. Right arm looks broken. Her lover shouldn't grab it. Also, her right wing goes through his arm.
His face is crooked and retarded. Head way too big. Small shoulder on his left side and a long arm on the right. Just look where it joints into the elbow. Penis too straight pointing up, just like the previous image with Blaze.
Nancher did not change, but I just saw what he got here on 34paheal and 4chan. When this is his newest, a paid image and even worse than what I have and haven't seen yet, then I call fraud on this. I don't know what was paid, but this shit is only $5 worth.
Nancher is now in the site, check it out!
que crees ya estas reportado en Deviant art y seras baneado,asi que ahora si preocupate.