Anonymous4: Ohho man that is some fucking sick shit,i have no idea what the hell im even looking at! is there a hole in her chin? no you know what i don't even want to know. DAMN IT SOMEONE STOP THIS MADNESS
Anonymous17: ok i get it now. her (or its) dick is so long and hard it made it up to her chin, poked a hole in her chin, and somehow managed to drag the face to impossible other words, ahhhhhhhh wtf hello nitemares
Anonymous29: I don't think that's possible. Is the penis coming from her chin of vagina? And its censored. I can barely look at the picture. It's so disturbing...
Anonymous30: I-Im not sure what Im looking at...Is there a dick on her chin or a vag...Like WTF AM I LOOKING AT...I JUST DONT GET IT WHATS GOING ON...OH DEAR GOD IT JUST DOSENT MAKES SENSE. *Breaks down crying and rolls in to a ball* i dont get it...i just dont get it *cry*
Anonymous31: No. Nuke it from orbit with wave force guns only the entirety of a small galaxy has enough power to KILLITWITHFIRE!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!1!1!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!0|\|3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!1!1!1!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!two
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Samus is a futa...with a hole in her chin?
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Would it be a chingina?
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I'm not sleeping tonight.
this is what happened to the crew of the event horizon