Phantasmagoria: Actually, that's the look before she registers the fact that Fu-Manchu over there stuck four in. It will soon be replaced by the 'Extreme pain' face.
Trust me, unless you were the size of a whale, and had been fucked until you had a vagina the size of a gaping hallway similiar in length to Mordor, it would hurt like a motherfucker, much worse than the, ah, what do you call it? плоскодонка влагалища? Yes.
An_Onymous: @Phantasmagoria: I've gotten four fingers in my ass before without pain. Lube is your friend. Even without lube, though, it's not really painful for me, just somewhat awkward and less pleasurable.
An_Onymous: Not that I would recommend going straight to this level of girth to someone unexperienced with anal penetration, of course. This is something one should work up to over the course of as many occasions as it takes for it to be comfortable.
Anonymous10: no, if you think about it, she could just be sticking one or two in, look at the angle she's at just to stick her index finger and/or middle finger in. try it lol act it out. but she could stick in 4, but they'd be bunched together and would form the girth of a regular adult dick. which would be perfect.
Urbane_Guerrilla: "Ploskodonka vlagalishcha" -- no idea what it means. All my Russian is Defense Language Institute Monterey, California, and they didn't get into fucking much beyond "yebat'."
Anonymous17: Am I the only one who noticed the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference? 'Colour by Wowbagger'. Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged, the immortal being who got fed up with the whole Universe and everyone in it and decided to personally insult every person in the Universe in alphabetical order. Anyone?
Neat pic, by the way. I personally don't think it would hurt, provided that Mai doesn't use her flechette weapons.
Trust me, unless you were the size of a whale, and had been fucked until you had a vagina the size of a gaping hallway similiar in length to Mordor, it would hurt like a motherfucker, much worse than the, ah, what do you call it? плоскодонка влагалища? Yes.
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Ba-doom tssssh!
Neat pic, by the way. I personally don't think it would hurt, provided that Mai doesn't use her flechette weapons.