Anonymous3: I'm pretty sure that THUD implied they had some passing knowledge of each other from Biers, the scene when Angua Cheery and Sally go for a girls night out.
Anonymous4: Heaven knows, there's been plenty of fan-fiction where the two meet (I recall one where susan tutors one of Angua's kids), I'd imagine there's probably a fair bit of slash fiction as well...
Anonymous5: Anon-4: Yeah, I think that's actually illustrating a specific story from the discworld_smut LJ community. (Short version: there's a lesbian bar in A-M, and *all* the female characters turn out to go there.)
Freezer: Given the status of Discworld (especially Ankh-Morpork) hygiene, Angua's belly is probably cleaner then all the drinking mugs there put together.
Anonymous8: Just stick with the strong stuff and the alcohol its self will kill most of the stuff that would kill you from drinking it. Just don't drink 2 much or you'll find yourself lying on top of the Ankh with nothing in your pockets if your lucky. (They'd probably steal your cloths to)
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Freezer-Susan frequents Biers, so it's possible. Plus, it's a good pairing. Plus, it's porn, so someone could ship Drumknott/Verence if they wanted.
This is from a fan fiction from a erotic fan community built around Monstrous Regiment.
In that book Angua is featured and the author assumes that Susan accompanied Death. They then do body shots in the bar.
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