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Hitmonleeroy: Yes~
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Anonymous1: yes you say that now buddy but just you wait until you're alone at home in your dark apartment you're just sitting there in the darkness watching TV when you all of a sudden get the feeling that someone is watching you you turn around to see if anyone's there and all of a sudden from one of the dark corners of your apartment to White glowing eyes protrude from the darkness it is none other than Raven herself and she slowly hovers out of the darkness with an angry scowl on her face she will probably say something like that you really think I was going to let you live after the embarrassment you put me through you made me show off my vagina in front of all of the other Titans I guess I don't need to tell you why I'm here do I ends as Raven slowly starts to hover closer towards you with her arms stretched out ready to strangle the life out of you the last thing that will go through your mind before her hands reach your throat will be why the hell did I think it was a good idea to piss off Raven of all people