Anonymous9(6): If her tits are that big, it's not pedo. She'd have to be at least 16, and I'm 18. Technically illegal, sure, but still not really pedo.
Anonymous10: Anyone who uses this site doesnt have much in the way of sexual morality... though i would never fap to guro so that makes me a good person by this sites standards?
Jesus_Christ_Porno_Star: I agree with you on GURU. Avoid fapping to the legendary and all-mighty GURU or you'll be going to Hell, and every time you see a hot chick, your boner will grow inside you.
Anonymous12: At anon 5 - Yes, Pubic hair does count as body hair, which is why the Elf has none... The Half-elf has Sparse Pubes however as she is only half an elf
ChaosWolf: for a dwarf, she's got a surprisingly hairless (relatively speaking) pubic zone. I think the artist has the dwarf and half-orc crotches switched around.
Dagger: OR she could be very soft and caring, cuz she's afraid to break ya with her might and so on. dont judge big girls just for their size, m'kay? ;)
Anonymous31: I'm into petite women IRL so halfling at full force, followed by elf, half-elf then human. I would touch nothing else. I am surprised the half-orc actually gets any love. Request for 4th Edition races? (Eldarin, Tiefling, Dragonborn...)
ChaosWolf: Would hit them all, randomly selected via d6, excluding halfling due to size. She can watch and/or sit on my face while one of the others rides me.
ChaosWolf: Chup and me think alike - this was the first pic I ever saw of a female dwarf, and cemented in my mind the idea that short curvy chicks were just as fuckably delicious as tall thin women.
Anonymous37: This diagram has been really helpful. Now I know how to draw D&D porn properly. Thank you. Really, this info ought to be published in an official source book.
Anonymous38: At Anon36, thank ya Jesus! I would kill for some halfling and elf porn. All of them really, but I got a halfling fetish like nobodies business
Anonymous41: Half-Elf, WANT!
Human, SO WANT!
Gnome, PLEASE!
Halfling, DO WANT!
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I demand interspecies D&D porn! Half-orcs fucking halflings, and everything in between!
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No, she doesn't. Look closer.
She's a dwarf, dammit give her a proper beard.
On her cunt.
With 3, I would be reluctant at first. But that it only make it more enjoyable in the end.
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Orc and Dwarf too, but only if they snoo-snoo me to death.
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A spinner, maybe.
Now the Halfling... well, "Make me flyyyy....!"
Nicely executed, but what's with the 1980's short 'do on a paramedievaloid sort of character?
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I remember his key point was to illustrate that Halflings are NOT child like, just VERY small humans (the adults, anyway).
Essentially the halfling in this pic is just a human at 50% or so normal size, otherwise pretty much the same proportions as an adult.
Its probably my absolute favorite D&D oriented erotica pic I have seen, and the first one where I saw dwarven women shown as somewhat sexy ^_^
Picture the halfing and half-orc trying to 69.
I would bang every single one of them... then the half orc some more.
Human, SO WANT!
Gnome, PLEASE!
Halfling, DO WANT!
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Except maybe the halfling -- she appears rather fragile.