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Jones: Special Guest Appearence by Hugo Andore as Half Orc Female!
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Anonymous1: *dies laughing*
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Anonymous2: LOL
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Sine: Someone knocked up the gnome
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Anonymous3: NUKE FROM ORBIT!
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Botulism: Do her, eeew no, do her, do her, her too, awwwwright, OH MY GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE.
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Anonymous4: Yes, yes, no, no, yes, yes, no.
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Suomynona: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Suomynona does not discriminate.
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Anonymous5(2): Anon 4, no on the elf? Wtf?
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Sendai45: (Previously as Anon 4) It's... it's the EYES! *shudder* She'd have to wear a bag. Plus, I'm totally racist against elves. Fuckers.
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Anonymous6: lmao, no joke the orc one's face looks like my gradpa >.<
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Anonymous7: yes no yes yes yes no
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Anonymous8(2): ^you have less answers than chicks.
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Anonymous9(7): No for the orc and the dwarf, the rest yes
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Soemele: I don't get it, compared to the gnome the dwarf chick is fucking hot. The elf is a little scrawny, but the halfling is AWWWWWRIGHT
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Anonymous10: no, no, no, no, no, no, yes :D
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Anonymous11(2): ^It's a reverse trap!
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Kharnov: I'd so bang that half elf.
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Gregorius: Yes; no; yes; no; yes; no; dear God, no.
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Slashfiend: Yes, sure, yes, no, yes, no, vagina has shriveled up and died.
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Anonymous12: They srsly coulda done better on Half Orc...

But the Half human is :D
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Anonymous13: dwaf reminds meh of muh mutha
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warrior: Half-Orc looks like ass sammich guy
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Anonymous14: I guess Orc's don't feel the need to shave.
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Soemele: Hey, wow, the dwarf DOES look like your mother...
And really, I don't mind the half orc's body hair that much... But that face is just, like, no. NO.
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Anonymous15: elves don't have pubes, you see
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Anonymous16: Half-Orc: no thanks. Dwarf: okay (karma points). Human, Half-Elf and Elf: yes please (if possible at the same time, all the time). Gnome and Halfling: handy to have around for blowjobs while standing.
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Anonymous17: what i want to know is how does a half orc happen?

i mean... someone had to have sex with an ORC right? if an orc is twice as nasty as a half orc how is that even possible?
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Anonymous18: When a man loves a wine bottle very much, and passes out near an orc woman....
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Schrodingers_cat: I believe the term is 'rape'.
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Anonymous19: Half- orc is the cancer that is killing my erection.
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Anonymous20: wtf is the undead?
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Anonymous21: This is D&D, not WOW.

None of the several varieties of'Undead' are a playable race.

Unless your campaign is pretty fucked up.
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Anonymous22: Yes, mabye, yes, bj, hell yes, bj,if I was drunk.....actually HELL YEA!!!! 1/2 Orc's a major turn on!!!! I am God BLLLAAAAARRGHHHHHHH!!!
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Anonymous23: Just figures they'd make the half-human look like a slut.
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Anonymous24: Human, elf, and half-elf = Yes

Dwarf and Gnome = No (Notably, not even dwarf males are interested in dwarf females, this is why dwarves drink so much)

Halfling = she would need a bag over her head, the body is okay

Half-orc = Kill a lot.
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Anonymous25: Has anyone noticed the abundance of hair on the Halflings feet??
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DarkBee: Hell yes, yes, hmm, someone beat me to it, hell yes, hmm, HELL NO!
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weenog: A25: It's a nod to halfling origins. D&D was HEAVILY influenced by the writing of Tolkien, and halflings were essentially hobbits with the name changed to avoid legal trouble. After Dragonlance, halflings became sleeker and more athletic, more like the kender race from the world of Krynn. But this one still has the hairy feet of a hobbit ripoff.
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weenog: Orcs and half-orcs are sexy... I like strong, tough women. But this one's no good. The face isn't really orc-like, just mannish, and the body is way off -- her ribcage shouldn't really show at all with that much meat on her.
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ChaosWolf: Dibs on the dwarf and halfling.
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Anonymous26: Good, but 3 of them looks like VERY BAD !!! >:(
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Anonymous27: Human and Elf females yes, rest fuck no! >:O
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Anonymous28: no, no, no, no, no, yes, no

I'm so going to jail.
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Anonymous29: omg gimme the dwarf NAOW.
I would fuck her brains out!!
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Anonymous30: eww, all ugly and short as hell. even the disgusting half-orc.
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Anonymous31: theres a guy version and the half elf is oddly the least attractive..

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