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TagsHe-Man, Masters_of_the_Universe, Orko, Sha, Skeletor, Sorceress, Teela
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Info936x680 // 1.2MB // png
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Anonymous1: YES
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Anonymous2: I just cant take my eyes from it.
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deliciouscake: also notice Teelas nipples
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anominous: "Time out Bone-brain... look at that."

"I'm not falling for... by the power of Greyskull?"
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Dawnell_do: Sexy and funny.
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Anonymous3: "I like One Piece."
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Anonymous4: See the bone hiding in darkness,
sucking your soul with its one-eyed stare.
Feel the evil that penetrates you,
Skeletor's Dick will always rape you
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PornLantern: And now you know how to end all battles once and for all. Boobies!
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Anonymous5: everything is wrong why is skeletor beating up adam he would just activate the power... unless there's some s&m going on as well
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SlimySausage: the role of skeletor and he man should be reversed and this pic would make sense... why are he man's friends just sat there crying whilst he's getting beaten up? Also skeletor cant beat up he man ever he can only blast him with magic... Unlesss skeletor put him under some sort of sorcery which makes him weak and fragile, he'd still probably break his knuckles on he-man's face.
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remieres: Apparently Sorceress is Teela's mother, according to Wiki. I'm confused now. Meh. Wiki also says that He-man and Teela are married. I guess a lot more went on in the novels and comics than I knew.
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Anonymous6: @remieres she allways was but it was a secret that only man at arm knew. it did come up but only rarely in the cartoons. the revival cartoon man adopted teela but in the old cartoon i'm not sure if the father was revealed or if it was meant to be man at arms.
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rooldeewurldman: (record scratch)

Everybody: "WHOA!"
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