Carvin: I like this somewhat... but there are some problems. First of all, this is a very static picture. She is not attempting to be sexy (or, well, rendered that way). The shading on the bra looks awkward, like it's greasy or something. Most larger girls do not wear g-strings, especially ones with body image issues. Bikini briefs would have been more appropriate. Her hair looks particularly bad, and it may be at some times, but it would be in character that if she was going to be seen naked... or impress someone with her looks, she would at least comb it a bit or something.
Anonymous3: homeless, there's a difference between "chubby with bad skin and poor grooming habits" and "morbidly obese with a skin disease and some sort of infestation".
homeless: Anon3, if you think this is morbidly obese, there's something seriously wrong with you. In this picture, she has acne like Marigold, flab like Marigold, and bad hair like Marigold. This pic is in-character. And I'm pretty sure those are grease stains on her bra.
Anonymous4: I really don't know what people think when they draw something like this. do they think when they draw it that it's in any way sexy, or do they do it to gross people out. Marigold is a good, good deal thinner then this picture would have you believe. I would have to agree partially with Anon3. There is a good deal of difference between "a little chubby with bad grooming habits" and (this is where I disagree) "heavier with kankles, and bad grooming". No offense to larger women, we love you because you still are beautiful, but this is an unflattering picture because of the facial features and the weird flab on her left side that's trying to eat her arm and the neck fat.
With that said this is not an accurate depiction of her character in any way shape or form. If it wasn't for the acne and the square glasses that are two of the defining features she would be unrecognizable as Marigold.
Marigold looks in the comic to only four or five pounds lighter then Faye. She has image issues, not a bad figure. for the artist (if you read posts here) think smaller with jephs girls. Marigold is at most maybe 210-215 lbs. not a bad looking girl, she certainly isn't a large girl. this is a good size refrence. she isn't a very heavy girl, just....curvy.
iKami: I think it's a pretty spot-on interpretation of the character. Jeph tends to draw his large women pretty thin--it's just part of his constantly-evolving style. Marigold's presented as the unkempt, overweight nerd girl, and this captures that, and her general attitude very well.
Anonymous5: constantly evolving? Maybe for the first 1000 posts QC was interesting for that, but it's become as bland and unnatractive as this picture. When you can count on your hands the times people in the comic have done the shitty things normal people do for the entire comic, you begin to realize Jeph jumped the shark with this comic once he stopped having to worry over what the normal working man deals with everyday.
The comic should have ended with Dora kissing Marten.
Anonymous6: Anon5: If you hate the comic so, and believe there to be nothing of worth left in it, why would you seek out R34 of its characters, 'less you're just a troll.
QC is, for all that it has changed, still amuses me. That's all that truly matters. Doesn't matter if he deals with real relationship issues or anarchic robots with thumb-limbs. Jumped the shark? What the hell could you possibly be talking about?
Anonymous7: Anon6: Anon 6, I still read QC because it updates regularly and admittingly, I'm a creature of habit. I don't think there's any need to explain why I'm here (or any need for troll remarks. Let's wait for the insults first, eh?)
You're right, QC does have it's random moments, but it's stolid, man. The only human beings (or robots) I know that are pretty much the exact same as they were 4 years ago are the moochers still living off their parents refusing the get a life... which is exactly -my- point.
People who have lives change over time. These characters haven't. This -comic- hasn't, not really. That's what I get at with jumping the shark. The characters have ceased to be convincing for a long time now.
Anonymous8: Anon 5/7: Well, I'm not gonna pretend you aren't making some valid points about QC's character development, or lack thereof. And for what it's worth, you have indeed proven to me that you're not here trollin'.
Still, I myself believe that the characters remain quite convincing. That the characters seem staid over months of real time is well explained by the fact that whole months of real time might not even equate to a single week in the strip. That mere bit of explanation might not be enough for some, but it's enough to suspend my disbelief to keep from getting jaded.
This much, I suppose, is a "live and let live" situation, but I've still gotta take issue with you saying that the strip has "jumped the shark." Unless I'm very mistaken, that phrase is used to denote a decline in quality as a result of trying to attract more readers using sudden and/or unnecessary plots and characters. I may need to re-read the archive, but I'm fairly sure Jeph has been jumping no sharks. If anything, were he to frequently write status-quo changing arcs, THEN I would agree with you. I'm not saying a few now and again wouldn't be appreciated, but I don't need them to be happy with the strip. As is, I'm kinda digging the day-to-day repartee.
Anonymous10: The biggest problem with the drawing is that her left foot and leg is pointed outwards, and her thong is drawn as if the leg was pointed inwardly.
I also agree that the heaviness is a bit over-exaggerated in this drawing. Perhaps overcompensating for Jeph's style of drawing everyone thin, including the fat people.
Anonymous13: mmmmyeah, a little over the top... I agree that could be her self-image, but Marigold is no chunkier than Faye, who is at most well-padded.
With that said this is not an accurate depiction of her character in any way shape or form. If it wasn't for the acne and the square glasses that are two of the defining features she would be unrecognizable as Marigold.
Marigold looks in the comic to only four or five pounds lighter then Faye. She has image issues, not a bad figure. for the artist (if you read posts here) think smaller with jephs girls. Marigold is at most maybe 210-215 lbs. not a bad looking girl, she certainly isn't a large girl. this is a good size refrence. she isn't a very heavy girl, just....curvy.
- Reply
The comic should have ended with Dora kissing Marten.
QC is, for all that it has changed, still amuses me. That's all that truly matters. Doesn't matter if he deals with real relationship issues or anarchic robots with thumb-limbs. Jumped the shark? What the hell could you possibly be talking about?
You're right, QC does have it's random moments, but it's stolid, man. The only human beings (or robots) I know that are pretty much the exact same as they were 4 years ago are the moochers still living off their parents refusing the get a life... which is exactly -my- point.
People who have lives change over time. These characters haven't. This -comic- hasn't, not really. That's what I get at with jumping the shark. The characters have ceased to be convincing for a long time now.
I know it ain't just me.
Still, I myself believe that the characters remain quite convincing. That the characters seem staid over months of real time is well explained by the fact that whole months of real time might not even equate to a single week in the strip. That mere bit of explanation might not be enough for some, but it's enough to suspend my disbelief to keep from getting jaded.
This much, I suppose, is a "live and let live" situation, but I've still gotta take issue with you saying that the strip has "jumped the shark." Unless I'm very mistaken, that phrase is used to denote a decline in quality as a result of trying to attract more readers using sudden and/or unnecessary plots and characters. I may need to re-read the archive, but I'm fairly sure Jeph has been jumping no sharks. If anything, were he to frequently write status-quo changing arcs, THEN I would agree with you. I'm not saying a few now and again wouldn't be appreciated, but I don't need them to be happy with the strip. As is, I'm kinda digging the day-to-day repartee.
I also agree that the heaviness is a bit over-exaggerated in this drawing. Perhaps overcompensating for Jeph's style of drawing everyone thin, including the fat people.
I regret nothing.