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PostHappy28: Who else but Quagmire!?
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Anonymous1: well its a good thing he's a pilot, hes got the money to buy the meds to fix up the STDs he gets from screwing monkies
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CodenameBFG: giggity.
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Anonymous2: Black girls don't have pink nipples..
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Urbane_Guerrilla: The man who cannot correctly pluralize "monkeys" is not going to persuade anyone bigots are as intelligent as humans-in-full. Real men avoid prejudice, and half-men don't.
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Anonymous3: Anon1 gets his ass SLAMMED. Way to unleash poetic justice Urbane.
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Anonymous4: If anon1 hadn't gone "full blown retard", he'd have known the correct pluralization of the word "monkey".
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Anonymous5: Anon1 has apparently failed to realize this is 2009 not 1920, we are a civilized culture now.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Or at least we would be if it weren't for him.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: "Oh and by the way, I didn't put on the condom!"
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Anonymous6: Ah, anon1. Go back to Stormfront where the kooks and loonies who choose to live in perpetual fear belong.
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Anonymous7: This is the most anti-racist ive 34 get. *standing ovation*
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Anonymous8: shut up urbane your not even a monkey, youre a guerrilla! JK. But yes Anon1 puts many years of hard work to shame.
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Anonymous9: SHPenor: It wouldn't have mattered; the Vaseline there is kryptonite to condoms anyway. (Perhaps he's only keeping it for the, but I overanalyze these things.)

Glenn Quagmire - he doesn't care if you're black, white, Asian, Romulan or Tyranid. He's a man we can admire for his undying devotion to the cause of giggiting geschmoigen with his googen, anytime, anywhere. We salute you, o Eternal Pervert!
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Anonymous10: lol attractive and successful Africans
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furriehentaiboy16: anon2 some of them do and anon10 is a virgin lol
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InnuendoX: Giggity
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Biggus__Dickus: CLEVELAND: Dammit, Quagmire! Not again!
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Anonymous11: hey I called first dibs on.. oh wait he's getting her ass. well that's fine. I got her pussy.
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Anonymous12: isn't it "Doctor" Quagmire now?
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venom: is that anal lube?
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Anonymous13(1): it was one thing for him to end up having a south american son in the show, but wtf is with trying for an attractive and successful African son here

white quagmire says Giggity Giggty
black quagmire says Oogaty Boogaty
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Anonymous14: this is alternate universe quagmire, his watch cures the jiggaboo jungle bunny AIDS
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Anonymous15: "jiggaboo jungle bunny"...goddamnit, how fuckin' old ARE you, anyway? 80?!? Nobody talks like that anymore you civil war relic! Old racism is musty, dusty and goddamn OLD...
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Anonymous16: First his wife, now his daughter.

Pretty soon he's gonna be the one to be singing the "My (Half-)Black Son" theme song.
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Anonymous17: Urbane_Guerrilla: Would have been a nice point if you didn't fuck up your sentence too.
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evilpika: Anon 1 fails. Pilots don't make that much money.
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craggle: maybe not to you and me, evilpika, but to trailer park welfare trash like most racists, he's a practically a fucking millionaire
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tmysteryv: Ah, how sweet..., DGeek done failed again! :)) And rather amazing that after all that "civil rights" hoe-down, the fruit flies still gather 'round the shit. "Hate" the undying froth of perjury and corruption. Or..., "I hate the hater's." Double negative? Or even more so? Quagmire in just sinking in his preferred drug, sex. A man after my own heart! :D :D :D
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HentaiGirl27: Black girls don't have straight hair...
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caco: Touch....Touch boobs
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Flanker: "Dear diary, one more!"
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Anonymous18: More Roberta!!!
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Anonymous19: apparently quagmire is always carrying Vaseline wherever he goes...
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Anonymous20: HentaiGirl27: You do know that black girls can straighten their hair, or get weaves, right?
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Anonymous21: I don't like the hair on this one.

The art work is simply amazing but the hair is... shiny?
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Anonymous22: lol... i thought he meant literal monkeys... and then i read the comments and was like... oh... im a dumbass
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Anonymous23: Anon1... I'm black myself but I must admit that was pretty lulzy.
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Anonymous24: Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana...
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Anonymous25: anon1 and anon23 are samefag
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Anonymous26: Black girls don't have pink nipples and Quagmire doesn't use condoms. Point?
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shemale: anon 15 shut up it dont matter the only thing that matters is that attractive and successful Africans suck
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Anonymous27: This is hawt...
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Anonymous29: shemale is a piece of shit
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Anonymous30(29): @anon15:
I have just thought of 80-year-olds jacking off to 34.
I cannot unthink :(
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Afroman: this artist should do Betty and Veronica porn
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Anonymous31: anon.16
its not his wife or daughter thats
clevelands is the one with the daughter and wife
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Anonymous32: A31: I think A16 means that Quagmire banged Cleveland's wife on Family Guy, and now he's here on /34/ banging Cleveland's stepdaughter.
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Anonymous33: just look t the fucking porn losers lol :)
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Anonymous34: I'd love the fuck roberta!
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anon0: I wish someone would make porn of quagmire and his daughter
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Anonymous35(34): man i wanna fuckin violate roberta, cum on every bit of her body!!!
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Anonymous36: Who else but Quagmire?
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Anonymous37: someone should do a picture of roberta and meg
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Anonymous38: Crocky! It seems we have alot of inbred rednecks here.
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Anonymous39: giggity giggity goo
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wozza_brozza: hot
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Anonymous40: racism is old all it proves is that ur so uncomfortable with urself and to make urself feel better you think other people are inferior to u, now lets drop racism and start fucking fappin
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Anonymous41: More, where to find moar?
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OGRE: Yeah anon40, fight a stereotype with another stereotype using the voice and expression of a dead Australian wildlife expert.


P.S.- We need more Roberta pics ASAP
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Anonymous42: who gives a shit about the racism, at the end of the day it seems to be fine for the black population to be racist towards the white population but as soon as the attractive and successful African word slips... "ooooh you racist bastard"
for example in my lesson today, a black kid stated... "Black kids are gangsters and white kids are just wannabee gangsters; chavs" thats fucking racist but naff all was said from our BLACK teacher.
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Anonymous43: Roberta is hot. Would love to see more pics like this. More white men and black women should consider each other.
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Anonymous44: Bitches don't know about trollin.
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Anonymous45: it wreaks of attractive and successful African in here
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Anonymous46: this is the only good roberta pic
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Anonymous47: I agree, Anon44. I'm not "black" or "white", but those that get so easily offended by a few provocative words need to grow up and realize that respect is earned. Nobody owes anybody anything these days, based on skin color.
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Anonymous48: Goddamn! This dude needs to use his considerable skill to draw Quagmire fucking Lois.
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Anonymous49: there should be a pic of quagmire and his daughter anna lee
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Anonymous50: Petroleum Jelly is one of the worst things you can use for lube...
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Anonymous51: anonymous51: the one he calls annal?
ps wuz da purpl ting on da thunder mugz?
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Anonymous52: ...

Anon13: Spain is not South America, learn geography.
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Anonymous53: Lol tyranids
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Anonymous54: "craggle: maybe not to you and me, evilpika, but to trailer park welfare trash like most racists, he's a practically a fucking millionaire"
Wrong, pilots are so underpaid it's ridiculous. Read up, retard.

Also, you guys need to chill the fuck out. Internet attractive and successful African jokes are hardly worth raging over. Racism doesn't always indicate hate, you know. Sometimes it's done for a cheap, crude laugh only. To hell with your PC shit.
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Anonymous55: CHOKLIT RAIN!
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Beephf: I suppose it'd be hot if, you know,...
either show was good.
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Anonymous56: giggety,giggety,giggety LETS HAVE SEX!
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Anonymous57: lol the condom he was going to use is draping over the toilet just like quagmire
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Anonymous58: If we hung Anon 1, what would be more hilarious: The irony or just the fact that we got to kill a racist.
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meowmix: Anon53's comment overrules everything else said. Like I've yelled in many a thread...

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Anonymous59: awesome , only awesome
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Anonymous60: Anon47... I think the word you're looking for is "reeks".
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Anonymous61: black bitches have more tits and ass than white bitches but since some white bitches are hella hot so it makes up for it some times
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Anonymous62: Shut the fuck up and fap bitches
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Anonymous63: LAY OFF THE BLEACH!!!!
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Anonymous64: Anon62: You're dumb because you think a hate crime is a good response to more hate. What makes you think that racism could be taken seriously when it becomes a cycle of retaliation?

Anon65: You're dumb because you're wrong, white bitches got nice asses. If anything, black bitches got bigger asses because theys saturated in tha ghettos, and they ain't got no good food to eat down there. Only tha ass-fat givin' food.

AnonFuckYou: Fapped to it, won't fap again.
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Anonymous65: Dear Diary: JACKPOT!
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Anon_77: "monkies" LOL
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Thumper: Black musculature is different for the same reason their skin is darker, summer year-round where they evolved. They weren't sitting around for months snowbound in cabins. On the other hand, White brains had to develop more, on account of needing to properly gather/preserve/store/protect food for the winter months. Anybody who didn't have abstract thought enough to take care of having and retaining a decent supply of food starved, and didn't pass on their genes. Darker skinned races basically have a double growing season, and little need to store food long term.
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Anonymous66: Racists suck! and not in a good way!!! Oooh!... I'm such a bitch!
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Anonymous67: Thumper, you are one dumbfuck making that shit up about 'darker skinned races'
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Anonymous68: Thumper may actually be right, but that certainly isn't true for modern times.
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Anonymous69: Damn whats up with this comment section lmao.can you people ever just enjoy something without bringing dumb politics into it.its fucking cartoon porn you neanderthals who tf cares and stop being so serious
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Anonymous70: anyone in this thread smoke weed?

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