Anonymous3: left 4 dead stole everything it is from Killing Floor. hell, i was playing KF when it was first released as a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004... good times :)
Anonymous4: KF is considerably less advanced than L4D. It has no characterisation, no plot, no variables, no AI director, no alternate modes of play, etc etc etc.. There's not even any real teamwork beyond "Healing someone else heals more than healing yourself" and "You should probably all gang up on the big fuckers".
All KF actually IS is 'Here are shitloads of zombies attacking you, shoot them. Then do it again next round, where there will be bigger/faster/invisible zombies.'
Anonymous5: Anon4: I think that KF need actually more teamwork than L4D as the zombies are more numerous, stronger, smarter, and more dangerous!
In KF people actually have to think that who takes what role and who does what, as as welding doors might sound a bit wimpy, but on harder levels you have to do that, just to control the huge masses of specimens flowing from every single direction possible, and even from the impossible ones! Only bad thing in KF is the new specimen, the husk, and they are a tad gay!
Anonymous7: Anon5: Indeed, the Husk can be a bitch, and I agree, on harder levels the lone wolfs get killed fast. Allso, more zombies, they are more stronger/endurable, you get less bounty for's realy well balanced in my oppinion...easy is for the newguys and pussies, normal is for everyone beyond, hard is for hardcore teamplayers,'s Suicidal.
Anonymous9: The fact that it's so simplistic compared to L4D is why I like it more. It's like the old DooM. Just waves of dumb enemies to stop and nothing else to worry about. You can easily jump into a game and the action is constant and intense. Additionally, the guns have a lot more kick and feel more powerful than in L4D, not to mention the awesome time slow down thing that lets you see gibs fly in slow-motion even in multiplayer.
Anonymous13: How can you say L4D stole from KF? They're separate games, okay? The only similar things they have about them are zombies and teamwork. Everything else is just paranoid speculation risen from people thinking, "Oh no, I spent all my cash on this game instead of that game so this game is better and the other one sucks." I bought them both and they're both great games.
Anyway, I hate stalkers. Not because of their invisibility powers. Not because I don't think they're hot. I hate them because now I feel like a necrophile from fapping to them. Thanks a lot, Killing Floor.
Anonymous14: Anon4: You suck. It's good because it is more entertaining than L4D. Everything else is just padding.
Anon14: You suck. All the zombies are the same. The difference is minimal.
Anonymous16: Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor are neat. Play both games, guys. They are different enough. In L4D, you gotta work through the levels together, find routes and move around stuff. In KL, you gotta stick together to take all the waves down.
Anonymous17: Anon4 dont got the point of the game. I like L4D but Killing floor is much better, bigger variety of enemyes, weapons, skills, etc. its over 9000 times better than L4D.
ThisTastesLikeEgoraptor: Hey fucktards stop arguing about how L4D, CoD, and KF, all three games have their points and really fun parts; now scroll up and fap away
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All KF actually IS is 'Here are shitloads of zombies attacking you, shoot them. Then do it again next round, where there will be bigger/faster/invisible zombies.'
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In KF people actually have to think that who takes what role and who does what, as as welding doors might sound a bit wimpy, but on harder levels you have to do that, just to control the huge masses of specimens flowing from every single direction possible, and even from the impossible ones! Only bad thing in KF is the new specimen, the husk, and they are a tad gay!
Cool story bro.
Anyway, I hate stalkers. Not because of their invisibility powers. Not because I don't think they're hot. I hate them because now I feel like a necrophile from fapping to them. Thanks a lot, Killing Floor.
Anon14: You suck. All the zombies are the same. The difference is minimal.