Anonymous3: Anon2 is a dipfuck. They don't state Jesus never existed. Muslims acknowledge Jesus as a prophet & healer. Just not as THE Prophet nor as THE Messiah.
Christianity would be a LOT different today if Jesus lost the cote to be God on Earth, rather than a Prophet as many sects were doing pre-400 A.D.
Anonymous4: Did Vernon die? Are his words fading because he's passing on and him fucking April is only happening in his head to cope with his slow death?
tyciol: Has Vernon ever actually called April "kid" in the original series? It's been a while...
Also since Vernon is obviously gay, this is rape. Rape isn't funny guys, it's serious business.
I mean it's fine when you rape 80s April and mutilate her tits and stuff, she was a horrible person who abandoned Irma to be eaten by rats to get a story.
But Vernon is just the Eddy Brock of this show, he's a hard-working reporter who gets a bum rap because he's not a main character.
Anonymous8: The only why this would happen is if Veron blackmailed April or a dream he's having. But no tyciol, Vernon was nothing more than an annoying coward little weasel who tried to get ahead by whatever means, taking credit from April's work or trying to make the turtles look bad. Get the fuck off rule34.paheal if this is too much for you.
PRAISE ALLAH!!! you English sons of incest bitches!!! Jesus never existed only Allah!!!
Christianity would be a LOT different today if Jesus lost the cote to be God on Earth, rather than a Prophet as many sects were doing pre-400 A.D.
(Totally dig his face... hadn't thought of this character in yeeeears.)
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Somehow, I always knew Vernnan was a virgin... Either that, or gay.
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Also since Vernon is obviously gay, this is rape. Rape isn't funny guys, it's serious business.
I mean it's fine when you rape 80s April and mutilate her tits and stuff, she was a horrible person who abandoned Irma to be eaten by rats to get a story.
But Vernon is just the Eddy Brock of this show, he's a hard-working reporter who gets a bum rap because he's not a main character.
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