retrom: Just so yall know, it isnt really a cosplay, but there's such a resembelence I had to share.
Sorry about the nasty nipples, when I first downloaded the set I didnt know they looked like that but I still had to share. They look better in some of her other sets though.
Anonymous5(4): I noticed the eyes first, then looked at the breasts hoping that would be somehow better. That's when I couldn't take it anymore and lost a piece of my soul.
Anonymous12: 1: tram pararam tits exist D:
2: i always thought suicide girls were some shit made up on CSI (anyone seen that one?) i really wish i still thought that
Anonymous15: szia Frankie akor talákozunk eljösz hozám és szexelünk it lakom pilisvörösvár utazide hozám ésakor egész nap csak baszunk ja neve Tóth jános és szexe mániásvagyok . üdv.jani
Anonymous16(15): szia Frankie eljöszhozám ideutazol pilisvörösvára hozám hogy talákozunk és egésznap baszunk egymásal a nevem Tóth jános utazide hozám Frankie ésakor szexelünkis .üdv.jani
Anonymous33: FOR ALL THESE HORNY ASSHOLES WHO OBVIOUSLY CAN'T GET LAID (you wouldn't be here if you could), there IS such a thing as putting a bag over her head!
Besides, there's an old saying: It's NOT the face you fuck, it's the fuck you get to face!
It's either this, or you can jack it with your hand (right or left) for the rest of your pathetic lonely life!
Although, I must admit, she's a DOUBLE bagger!
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Sorry about the nasty nipples, when I first downloaded the set I didnt know they looked like that but I still had to share. They look better in some of her other sets though.
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2: i always thought suicide girls were some shit made up on CSI (anyone seen that one?) i really wish i still thought that
Besides, there's an old saying: It's NOT the face you fuck, it's the fuck you get to face!
It's either this, or you can jack it with your hand (right or left) for the rest of your pathetic lonely life!
Although, I must admit, she's a DOUBLE bagger!