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Anonymous1: I have never had an image neuter my arousal so thoroughly. I consider myself a sick fuck, but everything about this image makes me soft as a fucking sock. From the tears, to Neil and his commentary I have never seen porn that I detested to such a degree before. I have seen videos of suicide by building dive more arousing than this image. Congratulations? Fuck you? I'm not even sure what this could be considered.
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Anonymous2: i'm not quite sure how to feel about Anonymous 1's comment, but this image and the other one on the site are completely fucking horrid. Maxvid is fucking terrible, but this shit?? Fucking twisted. These images basically show the aftermaths of two young boys being raped, and anyone who thinks this is "hot" or "arousing" in any way is one SICK fuck. Period.
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Anonymous3: wtf is this fandom. i like David's character and 1. he would never do this in 10000000000000000 years 2. who ever drew this is fucking twisted in the brain wtf btun in hell
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Anonymous4: tbh, i have to agree with Anon 1 and 2, this just crosses the FUCKING line
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Anonymous5: boohoo?? it's rule 34 what do you HONESTLY expect..