Anonymous1: I saw the name, "Thriller', and, for a full 20 seconds, was looking for, and, thinking, "How does this tie in with Michael Jackson, andwhat does it have to do with Resident Evil"? Crazy, Hunh, how the mind works, sometimes!
Anonymous4: i agree with anon 2 to all you fuckers who think Michal Jackson was cool or anything close to that i swear to god i hope you all go to hell and get raped by him HES A PEDOPHILE DUMBSHITS
nagger: >Micheal Jackson and his zombies to be screwing the Resident evil girls
Now I really want to see this... Damn you.
>i agree with anon 2 to all you fuckers who think Michal Jackson was cool or anything close to that i swear to god i hope you all go to hell and get raped by him HES A PEDOPHILE DUMBSHITS
Who fucking cares, regardless of whether or not it's actually true in the first place? Whether you actually like him or not, you're an enormous retard if you judge music on how much you like or dislike the artist's sexual preferences, and even a retard can tell the enormous impact he's made over the years with his music. I'm not much of an MJ fan myself, but no matter how much you dislike him, there's no denying that. The controversy surrounding his personal life does nothing to diminish that.
Anonymous6: Man I hate all the people who are all of a suddent big michael jackson fans just because the faggot died. right now nobody in the world would have given a shit and a half about michael friggen jackson but he died now everyones crying about there lost hero. none of you give a crap about michael jackson and you all know that, stop acting like your his fan because your not.
ok I had my rant for the day, I'm happy.
and I would like it if people didn't talk crap about my spelling, thank you.
p.s. this shit's hot
p.s.s. can't wait for the 4th resident evil movie
p.s.s.s. needs more alice on alice action
p.s.s.s.s. I'm done with the p.s.'s
...Yeah, I'm kinda disapointed, myself. I was expecting Micheal Jackson and his zombies to be screwing the Resident evil girls.
Now I really want to see this... Damn you.
>i agree with anon 2 to all you fuckers who think Michal Jackson was cool or anything close to that i swear to god i hope you all go to hell and get raped by him HES A PEDOPHILE DUMBSHITS
Who fucking cares, regardless of whether or not it's actually true in the first place? Whether you actually like him or not, you're an enormous retard if you judge music on how much you like or dislike the artist's sexual preferences, and even a retard can tell the enormous impact he's made over the years with his music. I'm not much of an MJ fan myself, but no matter how much you dislike him, there's no denying that. The controversy surrounding his personal life does nothing to diminish that.
ok I had my rant for the day, I'm happy.
and I would like it if people didn't talk crap about my spelling, thank you.
p.s. this shit's hot
p.s.s. can't wait for the 4th resident evil movie
p.s.s.s. needs more alice on alice action
p.s.s.s.s. I'm done with the p.s.'s
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