rooler34: Yeah, it's a cool idea and it fits within the movie plot. Maybe I should provide a version without the dangling seashells for an edit like this...
I could also provide you with the single image PNG files with an alpha channel for the see-through fins...
rooler34: You know, originally those seashells were over her breasts. If you look closely all you have to do is mirror them and reposition them and shift them a few frames forward and they fit. Then I drew breasts on her and those looked great. So I wondered, should I throw the seashells away? Then I had the idea of having them dangle from her waist instead.
Anonymous3: @Rooler34 the dangling seashell bra was one of my favorite touches you added to her I’m just not good enough at editing to take it off or move it for these land shots
I could also provide you with the single image PNG files with an alpha channel for the see-through fins...