Anonymous10: Actually I would propose a automated turret system that would tie into the internet that would allow hired hot blooded Americans to be able to identify and fire upon filthy illegals who cross into a "dead zone" as I call it. All would be done remotely with cameras and sensor alerts. You gotta be tough on those illegals or they will never learn. I wish we could reclaim the cost of the system that we put in place but I guess that will be a big expenditure to preserve this great nation and secure our border along Mexico.
It all makes sense now.
This would be kinda hot if the blood wasn't there.
This would be kinda hot with more blood
This would be kinda hot with more semen
This would be kinda hot if the censor wasn't there.
This would be kinda hot if the floor were linoleum.
This would be kinda hot if it were on the sun.
This is kinda hot.