Anonymous6: I always laugh when people put the smokin hot body on Tails. Waaay back in Sonic 2, tails was originally supposed to be a girl, you know, adoring fan girl, constantly chasing the blue blur ( A way to replace Amy, but still keep that kind of character) But you know enrgish, and translations mishaps, Tails became a boy, that story stuck. Makes me wonder if this is true rule 63, or just a throw back to the original idea?
Anonymous15(6): Dude, Read the Trivia section on his officially wiki, 7th Bullet down says it plain as day An in the game appearances section for Amy's, they have been around for the same amount of time
Anon 9 and 10 need to look things up before they bash some poor guy
- Reply
Amy was designed right after tails when the whole "tails as a girl" thing flopped in sonic 2 Anon 6 was close An in the game appearances section for Amy's, they have been around for the same amount of time
Anon 9 and 10 need to look things up before they bash some poor guy