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Anonymous1: Neighboring country is in war with Agrabah. Knowing of Agrabah's chance of losing the battle as predicted by Agrabah's chief astrologer the Sultan will need to win this war using Jasmine as sex offering to enemy only. Jasmine agreed to this plan
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Anonymous2(1): When opponent King went for bath Jasmine sneaked in to his camp with dress in this image. Once he returns and surprised of seeing the princess there. Jasmine offers truce to him. If he opens the clothes between her legs and kissed her clitoris , then followed with him sucking both Jasmine's nipples. It will be agreed Agrabah will be let as sovereign nation and in return he will receive Jasmine as sex slave for his whole country. If he refuses he can send Jasmine back without touching her
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Anonymous3(1): Such a good offer that he cant refuse it. So he kissed on Jasmine spread wide exposed nude clitoris and followed by sucking clothed Jasmine nipple. Then he sent out his general to explain what happened at Agrabah palace where all Agrabahans are waiting for news of Jasmine sexually seduced them to peace between countries
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Anonymous4(1): Jasmine was brought back to his country as sexual slave. The king disallowed Jasmine to wear any clothes for rest of her life. Jasmine will need to be fully nude for remaining of her life. On way back to his country which is two months long trip, the fully nude Jasmine was offered as sex toy for his 100,000 strong army. The number is so small compared to male population of 50 Millions once she reaches his country where she will be made available for all of them by tied up with her vagina spread wide at middle of their flea market. Jasmine will be sexually serving 50 Millions male next day and night all for free as gift by the King to their country
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Anonymous5: You do realize that she has a dick, right? Look closer.
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stvw: Fixed it Jasmine without dick
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Anonymous6(1): Dog fucking Jasmine? Jasmine is a true BITCH