Anonymous6: Hey Anon3... i told you AND your faggoty kind before; If you WANT more normal stuff from Malachi... E-MAIL HIS ASS!!! Go to'reafuckingretardeddouchebag, (minus this ".you'reafuckingretardeddouchebag,douchebag" bit, though I NEEDED to say that) and search for his site in the artist's section.
Parroting what everyone ELSE says here isn't funny, nor is it clever, intelligent, productive, or contributive. It's just immature and dumb. (in b4 "You're NOT mature either!")
Anonymous7: When we talk about Malachi's works, swollen anuses are enough to don't like his pics, but his drawing technique, resemblance with characters and quality compared to other artist in R34 is enough to accept them.
Anonymous9(8): Grrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm this is a magnificant piece :) I'd like to find the artist and get them to do one with a furry green monster fucking Alice while going down the rabbit hole THAT way.. hehehe...
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I always get the taste of sandpaper in my mouth...
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Parroting what everyone ELSE says here isn't funny, nor is it clever, intelligent, productive, or contributive. It's just immature and dumb. (in b4 "You're NOT mature either!")
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(GIS "pantalettes" for fun)