Anonymous3: It's not REALLY working on ME, but, I'll play along! This may be My chance to get some up close, and, personal intelligence on the "Alien(Sectoid?) Threat"(They're after our Precious Bodily Fluids, dontchaknow?)! Water has to go through the human body, which removies the Floride, for them to be able for assimilate it, safely.
Anonymous4(3): It's not REALLY working on ME, but, I'll play along! This may be My chance to get some up close, and, personal intelligence on the "Alien(Sectoid?) Threat"(They're after our Precious Bodily Fluids, dontchaknow?)! Water has to go through the human body, which removies the Floride, for them to be able for assimilate it, safely. Same with the Males, of the species, with Human Women.
Anal, now.