AnonyMoose: I was just gonna skip on by this and let it go anon7 and anon11 but the OCD in me just couldnt allow you to continue with your idiocy. Blaziken is the evolved form of the base Porkyman form known as TORCHIC. Which is in fact A BIRD (NOTE: CHIC AS IN CHICK OR BABY CHICK) and obviously LOOKS like a bird. It is OBVIOUS that it would follow suit that its next two forms are also of the avian species therefore YES Blaziken IS a bird and SHOULD NOT have a knot. Knots are for the canine species. Learn your Porkyman species before talking about what legit type of cocks they should be having ok? KTHXBAI.
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I think the knot looks pretty nice. Knots are fucking awesome. =3