Wyr: See, that's realistic. Forget the peasant, no matter how heroic or predestined. Only screw those of your rank. A Princess has obligations and traditions y'know.
Krawczyk: If Wyr ever bothered to read actual european history, for that matter, a majority of fae creatures automatically count as lower nobles or better right off the bat.
Anonymous7: peasant my ass, Link is pretty much a Noble Knight or whatever and he has 2 clawshots and swingd around everywhere like SPIDERMAN!! Oh and he also travels throught time, saves the universe and shit like that
wyr's logic is piss & shit.
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I don't think Link counts as one of those though.
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and link reverted to a child due to fullfillment of childhood dreams:)
It looks more like she is yanking them out with magic, which why Zelda is all "!"
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